ch-7 Just a week

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"So Peter Parker, how does it feels like to become a superhero at a very young age ?" Sam asked Peter and he looked at Sam in horror, how does he knows about it ?

" Wait! what?! How do you know ?
Did Pepper told you ? or you guys-" Bucky cuts him off " Calm down Parker, Tony told fury about you."

"And fury told us about you." Shuri said.

"And even if we didn't knew we would have found out easily." Sam said smiling at Peter.

"How ?" Peter asked surprised.

"Because you told Shuri that ' In an airport fight I easily caught his Arm." Sam pointed at his mistake.

"Shit! I always mess up." Peter whispered. to himself which was loud enough for the avengers to hear.

"Its ok kid, so we wanted to talk to you about joining the team." Bruce said as Peter calmed down.

"But I'm already an avenger, Mr stark told me that." Peter told them.

"But you are not an official member, when you were Blipped tony added you in the team but as a temporary member, but don't get him wrong he did so because he had no idea if you were coming back or not after you, died in his arms." Wanda said and Peter became a little sad.

"And also because you were young. Anyway fury wanted to make you an official member but he wanted to know if you want be an avenger or not ?" Bruce questioned him and Peter became confused on what to do, offcourse anyone would love to be an avenger but after being snapped the same person will be scared.

"Yes or no kiddo ?" Sam asked bored as if he didn't got the time to wait for his reply.

"I don't know, I'm just confused." Peter said rubbing his neck.

"Uhh.... Its just a simple question man, just answer yes or no." Sam said annoyed.

"Sam, let him take his time, kid take my number and decide whithin a week if you wanna join or not and if the answer is yes then call me but you just have a week." Bucky said and he shared his number with Peter. Then Pepper came to the hall.

"Pepper I think we should leave now." Bruce said when he saw Pep.

"Oh, Bye then." Pepper said and everyone left.
A/n Note -

Gosh I took me an eternity to write this, So I didn't updated for a week and I felt like I had lost something. 😐 Seriously I'm addicted to writing and reading stories. Anyway don't worry guys I had written alot of chapters in my notebook ( I always write everything on my diary first ) so you will never run out of chapters.

So I think that I have an idea for the upcoming chapters and I think I will experiment with my story. Bye for now guys ❤️ love y'all.

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