Ch-11 Silly and sad

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Happy was relieved after seeing her eating food and not singing nursery rhymes. He got that she did not knew that Peter's life is in a peril. And he doesn't want to tell her that, cause he shouldn't scare a child.

"Mrs Stark, you should go home its 2:30 AM. You have to attend a meeting tomorrow. Don't worry I will handle everything here." Happy told her.

"No happy, " Pepper refused "I should stay here for Peter. Please take Morgan home with you."
After 5 minutes of insisting Pepper agreed to go home with Morgan because of her meeting tomorrow.

"But I will return here just after my meeting ends." Pepper said sighing, if this meeting wasn't important, she would have stayed here for Peter. She turned around to ask Morgan to come with her.

"Morgan, we are going ho-" She stopped when she saw that Morgan wasn't there. She looked around and noticed that Morgan was not there in the entire hallway.

"Wait, where did she go ?" Pepper exclaimed causing Happy to be worried.

"Morgan ! Morgan ? Where are you baby ?" Pepper and happy were looking for her everywhere.

"Morgan ?" Happy said looking around, he was already disturbed over Peter's condition and now worried about Morgan. Pepper's eyes were now teary, did Morgan left cause she glared at her ? Pepper was really concerned about her daughter. Ever since tony died, she had became overprotective about Morgan.

" Mrs Stark, your daughter is in the operation room." A Nurse came and and said to Pepper. Happy and Pepper hurried to the operation room. They stopped when they saw her outside the operation room, a nurse was holding her. Pepper was going to scold her badly for scaring her but paused as she saw her face. She was crying.

"Mrs Stark, We are really sorry for our irresponsibility. Actually one surgeon accidently forgot to shut the door after returning from washroom and she entered the room." She said while holding the crying Morgan." And you know kids, get scared easily." She finished.

"Whats wrong dear ?" Pepper kneeled down and asked calmly. She knew that she got scared after seeing Peter in this condition but there was something else too.

"I asked the doctor to use an injection to ( sobs ) cure Pete but he said, it doesn't work like that." Morgan replied in a soft voice while crying."No Mommy, it does work like that, I know it does. Didn't Sara got healthy again when her doctor gave her two injections when she had fewer. ( sobs ) The doctor doesn't know anything." Morgan said sobbing, she sounded silly and sad at the same time. Happy looked at her sadly, she doesn't usually cries but she did today. Pepper on the other hand was heartbroken after seeing her daughter like this. She didn't had the heart to correct her silly misunderstanding. Even the nurse looked at her with sympathy. After a few moments of silence Happy spoke up.

"Umm.. We should go home now, its too late." He said not looking at them. Pepper picked up Morgan in her Arms and stood up.

" Yeah, we should go now." Pepper and Happy went to their car with Morgan.
" Well I think he will be okay. He has got super healing powers so his wound would heal in, 3 days I guess." Happy said reassuring them. Pepper nodded at him and put on her seatbelt. Happy started the car and they left the hospital. Morgan's face rested on Pepper's shoulders and she slowly fell asleep. Pepper ruffled her hair and began to think something. She knew that her daughter is sad about Peter. She remembered the day she met Pete for the first time.
A/n : ok I know I updated after an eternity and This chapter doesn't feature their first meeting but the chapter was too long to write and I'm stuck in a project 😐.  You will get to see their meeting in next chapter.
Till then bye bye 😊 love y'all ❤️❤️💙

And enjoy this meme-

Peggy your hubby is a genius 😶

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Peggy your hubby is a genius 😶

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