ch- 5 Thats Awkward 😶

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Then a knock was heard on their door.

"Peter please open the door." Pepper said as she washed her hands and asked morgan to arrange the plates. Peter opened the door and he froze after seeing Bruce banner standing infront of him, he was just staring at him blankly.

"Umm.... Excuse me kid ?" Sam asked and our spidey muttered a yes nervously.

"Can we enter the house ?" Sam asked as he was a little annoyed by his behavior.

"Oh ! yeah, lets go inside, Pepper is preparing dinner for you all."
Peter rambled awkwardly after he noticed he was acting foolish.

"Hello bruce." Pepper greeted him.

"Hello pepper, who is that kid ?"

Pepper looked at Peter who was already regretting his silly behavior infront of the earth's mightiest superheros. Pepper understood everything and answered Bruce -

"He is Peter, He is living with us for a few months. Don't worry he is just nervous, he is a huge fan of your work."

Everyone started greeting Pepper and Bruce Started talking to Peter.
When Pep told him that he is a huge fan, Bruce thought he is the fan of Hulk like any other teenager but he was wrong, Peter was a huge fan of the books written by him on gamma radiation.

"Wow kid you're really intelligent for your age, well how old are you ?" Bruce asked when he and the others sat around the dinning table.

"I'm 18 actually." Peter replied as he sat too. Bucky whispered something into Wanda's Ear's and she looked shocked.

Shuri was talking to Morgan about some nano-tech toys and Pep was serving the soup. Sam,Bucky and Wanda were looking at peter with confusion, Peter didn't knew why they were looking at him weirdly.

"Mr Barnes, your new arm looks amazing." Peter complimented him.

"Yeah his old arm also was good but it needed so much improvement." Shuri said and they both started talking about his arm and other stuff.

"Yeah that old arm was made by hydra. And you know that hydra's stuff sucks, in a airport fight i easily caught his arm, but i think i can't caught this arm as it is more powerful." Peter was talking non-stop and bucky was thinking that why he always talks about his arm everytime they meet. Sam patted his shoulder in fake sympathy.

And thats how folks, thats how two biggest nerds became friends 😐.
Aww poor bucky, don't worry we love you more than your Arm.🤥
Sorry for updating late in advance,
😑 just some personal issues.

So i'm thinking that after some chapters I will start a new book in which I will write about a new villain in Avengers life 😈😈 What do you guys think about it ???

But don't worry this book does not contain any stupid villain, its about the love - hate sibling relationship between our Morguna and Pete ❤️❤️❤️
That villain story will start after many months.

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