Ch-10 Hospital

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                    Third person pov
"Chill Morgan, Gosh its 2 AM and you're not asleep yet." Pepper said rubbing her eyes, she was really sleepy and exhausted because of too much work at the office but her demonic daughter doesn't let her sleep.

"Peter somehow hurted himself badly and he is bleeding." Morgan rambled and Pepper thought that maybe Peter fell from the stairs or something. She opened a drawer and took a small first aid kit box. She went to his room expecting a minor injury but when Morgan took her to the bathroom, her whole body froze like ice.

"Oh my, Peter! Wake up, please wake up." Pepper said worried. Morgan could see she was sweating. She called happy and Pete was rushed to the hospital.

Pepper sat outside the emergency ward, really worried. She was debating in her mind to decide if she should tell May about it.
"The kid was my responsibility and this thing happened to him because of my mistake to not keep an eye on him. How will I face May ? Peter and May share a special bond and of she got to know what happened here then she will become really anxious about him. Oh my god, Peter looks after Morgan so much when I am gone for work but, I failed to look after him. I can't blame him for his injury, all he wanted to do is to save someone's life." Pepper was holding her head, she was upset because May trusted her to look after Peter in her absence. Happy who was standing near her was anxious too. But there was someone who wasn't worried like them but joyful, and it was Morgan.

No, don't get her wrong, she just thinks that doctors can save anyone's life by just using an injection. Yes, Many kids as old as her think so. So, she had no idea that Peter could die right now.

"Ba, ba, black sheep,
Have you any wool ?
Yes sir, yes sir,
Three bags full."
Morgan was singing cause she was bored. Happy looked at her weirdly, not knowing how to react. Pepper was looking at the floor blankly, you can tell just by looking at her that she was getting frustrated. She can lash out at her any movement.

"One for my master,
And one for the- "
Morgan stopped when she saw Pepper's frown, which said "Stop it right now or else."
(A/n: Ok, don't judge her for this. Imagine you're as anxious like her right now and blaming yourself for the situation. And suddenly someone starts singing " Ba, ba, black sheep.")
When she stopped, Pepper looked down at the floor again, lost in her thoughts. It seems like she is obsessed with the floor.
Happy went to the tiny shop at the corner, and returned with Frooti and a packet of potato crisps in his hands. He gave it to Morgan and she just began to sip her Frooti happily. Someone please tell her the seriousness of the situation. PLEASE
A/n: Ok I just mentioned frooti because it is really famous in my country, I don't know about if it is there in western countries or not. Anyway, THE NEXT CHAPTER IS REALLY IMPORTANT AS IT FEATURES:

Peter and Morgan's first Meeting.
Yes, you heard it right their, first meeting.
As I said before I wanted to write about their first meeting which I didn't do earlier ( umm, stupid me ) but now we will see how these cinnamon rolls met each other through a flashback.

Till then, Bye Bye.
Love y'all ❤️❤️💙

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