Ch-9 Injured

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                    1 hour later

Peter came inside the house with the help of the window. He was growling with pain as he was shot on the left side of his stomach. He was helping a father-son duo who were attacked by a local gang of robbers who had the intention of stealing their car and looting them. They were 5 people with guns and knives. Peter could have easily defeated them, if he knew they had guns. He did saved the duo but 3 of them started firing at him with their pistols and because spidey was already injured a bit, he failed to douche a bullet.
Anyway now he is badly injured and just lying on the floor.

"Ouch-ahh." He tried to grab something from the table but ended up breaking a big glass bowl.

                    Morgan's pov

So I was playing in my room with kiku (stuffed bunny) and jack (toy robot) and all of the sudden I heard a glass shattering sound from Peter's room, I decided to go there. I opened the door of his room and entered there. I saw that the floor was covered in some red substance. My first thought was 'Paint' cause Peter had been working on a painting of poppy flower for a few days but, something was odd. Why was it lying everywhere around the room, Peter is not so messy person he does his work neatly. Plus it didn't looked like paint, So was it BLOOD!
I got scared and looked everywhere around the room, I noticed a small line of blood drops leading to the bathroom. I was so scared and my heart was pounding so fast that it felt like it might explode. I slowly opened the door to find Peter lying on the floor, he was covering his wound with his hand. His suit was covered in blood. I starting panicking and Pete became a little worried.

"Ca-Calm down I'm fine." Peter whispered, he looked like he is gonna pass out soon. His face was pale and white, and so was mine.

"Pete-Pete, look at me, you will be okay I promise you will be okay. How did you do this to yourself ? Pete-Peter!" I yelled as he actually passed out. Gosh I didn't knew what to do, It seems like i'm gonna pass out too. I moved closer to him, slapping on his shoulders so that he stay awake but it didn't worked. I stood up and ran to mommy's room.

"Mommy ! Mommy ! Pete is hurt!"
I yelled on top of my lungs. I hoped Peter will be fine, I had already lost dad and I couldn't afford to lost him too.

A/n: Finally i finished it, you guys have no idea about how many pages i teared for this chapters, I canceled many ideas i had for this this chapter. So this chapter is now my fav till now. But I will use my canceled ideas for upcoming chapter.
Bye I will see you guys in my next chapter🙃🙃.

Love y'all ❤️❤️💙


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