Ch-12 Flashback

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(A/n: This is a flashback Pepper is getting.)

Flashback: Tony's funeral

Many Superheroes, mutants, aliens, Spy's, sorcerers and many more people were standing near a lake, to attend the funeral of a legend who died, or should I say
martyred to save the universe.
All the people standing there mourned the loss of this hero. Then Pepper walked down, with a little girl. She was nearly 3-4 year old, with big brown eyes and dark brown hair inherited from her father. She was sad, scared and confused but she kept walking towards the lake quietly holding her mom's hand. They went near the lake and Pepper placed something in the lake. It was Tony's Arc reactor inside a glass frame and something was written on it, it said "proof that Tony Stark has a heart". The Arc reactor floated away and everyone looked at it with grief. The hero they called Selfish, arrogant and egoistic was the one who made the biggest sacrifice in the Universe.

Pepper looked at the floating Arc reactor with grief too. She felt that she was gonna cry but she hold her tears back. After all, all her husband was her happiness. There was someone else who understood her misery, May. At first she was sad for her nephew's loss of losing another father figure, but now she sympathized Pepper. She knew how does that feels because she had been in the same situation. When ben passed away, she had to look after Peter all by herself.
She was emotionally weak but she stayed strong for Peter. Now she could see the same emotions in Pepper's eyes. After the funeral everyone started going to their home. But May wanted to talk to Pepper before leaving.

"May, lets go." Peter asked her.

"No, umm.., There is something else to do too." May said grabbing her purse.

"What ?" Peter questioned her and she took his hand. They went inside the house where Pepper was sitting in the living room. Pepper looked at them and May smiled at her. Pepper smiled back.

"Hey, you might not know me. I'm May Parker, his aunt." May said pointing at Peter. She wanted to have a small conversation with her.

"No, I know you. Happy told me." Pepper said " Are you two leaving ?"

"No, not now. Actually I wanted to say something." May sat on the couch near her.
"Sure, say it." Pepper said.

"Actually I know what you're going through and I want to say I been through this too so, I can understand. When my husband passed away several years ago, I felt broken all the time. I was in a trauma for a month but then one day I was sitting on my sofa missing him and then I saw Peter in the kitchen trying cook something to cheer me up, then I realised that I have to be strong for my Nephew. And next day I visited a psychologist for therapy and after four months of therapy, my life was back on track. So I just want to tell you that, I know the situation is hard for you but I think you should stay strong for your child cause she has no one but you. And if you ever need any kind of help, I'm there to help you and your daughter." May finished and Pepper smiled at her. This didn't helped her to come out of the grief but it made her feel alot better. She knew that she is now the only for her daughter and she have to raise her alone. These words from May gave her a little courage to do it.

"Thanks May, I will surely ask you when I need help with anything." Pepper told her. Peter who was hearing their conversation remembered those times when May used to lock herself in her room and cry for hours. He's glad that she is out of that stuff now. He looked at Pepper who was talking to May. Then he saw someone behind her who was watching them while hiding.

Her brown eyes met his for a second, just a second but it showed Peter the grief of losing a father in her eyes. She realised that he saw her, so she moved back behind the curtain. Unfortunately, May and Pepper noticed her too when she moved back.

"Morgan, come here baby. No need to hide, we saw you." Pepper told her and she came near her mom. "Meet them, this is Peter he used to work your dad." She waved at him and he waved back smiling."And this is May." Pepper introduced them and Morgan said hi to May.

"Hello Morgan." May greeted the little girl. Morgan sat in her lap cause she found her nice. "Can I ask you something ?" Morgan asked innocently. "Yes." May said.

"Why is your name May ?"

"What do you mean ?"

"Isn't May the name of a month ?" Morgan said and everyone in the present in the room chuckled."I used to wonder the same thing." Peter told them.

"Wow Morgan, you're smart." May said. She looked at her watch and realised that its time to leave. "I think we should leave now."

"Oh, it was nice meeting you May." Pepper stood up and said.

"Yeah same here." May said and everyone said bye to each other. Before leaving Peter and Morgan looked into each others eyes again. It seemed like they were communicating with their eyes. As a wise man once said "Our eyes speak much deeper things than our mouth."
A/n: So the flashback will also continue in the next chapter. Where Peter would learn that he is going to babysit Morgan.
I tried to write something different from other writers who wrote about their first meeting. I think mine one seems more realistic 😐. So will meet y'all in the next chapter, till then, Bye Bye.
Love y'all ❤️❤️💙

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