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A/N: Song recommendation: Sarah Corthan - As the World caves in


6 months later

The 107th had fought successfully against the Germans and Hydra so far and now they had arrived at the Italy/Austria border.

Rosie and Bucky lay together in the trench firing at enemy soldiers.
All around them was dust, dirt and there were bodies scattered across the ground.

Bodies of their own soldiers and of German soldiers.

Bodies of those she had known for a long time by now.

Corpses of friends and her protégés, some of whom she had helped train.

But despite everything, the sight didn't bother them much anymore, because it had become part of their everyday life.

What was important for them was that they went in together and came out together.

They always fought side by side and often it was the case that the other had saved the other's life.

After what felt like an eternity, a truce was reached for the first time.

Rose let herself fall backwards against the wall of earth.

"Shit, these Nazis are fucking tough!" she hissed.

Her hair, which she normally wore in a braid, hung stringy from her head, soaked with dirt.

Beads of sweat stood on her forehead despite the freezing temperatures and snow.

"But not as tough as us." gave Bucky as he just helped her back to her feet.

The Germans had retreated and Bucky and Rose made their way back to the main trench.

There they had a situation report.

"Agent Rogers?" gave the somewhat pudgy Lieutenant Andrews.


"The Nazis have retreated, but we have a suspicion where their quarters are. You and your men will make your way there tomorrow."


After receiving the order, the entire company made its way out.

Everyone sat down spread out on the ground and greedily ate their rations.

The next morning

It was just four o'clock in the morning when Rose woke up. The night had passed quietly with no more attacks.

"Sweetheart?" said Bucky in a raspy sleepy voice, seeking a hug from Rose with his arms.

Since they were here they didn't have too much time alone. Only once in a while when they came back to the headquarters they had a few hours.

Rose sat down on Bucky's lap and sank into the embrace.

"Did you ever think the two of us would be in a filthy trench together?"

Rose had to laugh at her own statement.
Often it was just surreal and she thought she would wake up from that dream at any moment.

"No, I didn't. But whether you're in a bed of the finest silk or in a trench full of dirt to me, you're still breathtakingly beautiful."

"Mr. Sergeant James Buchanan Barnes you make me blush." giggled Rose.

Bucky just rolled his eyes. He was used to Rose not being able to take compliments. But he would never pass up a chance to remind her how beautiful she was in his eyes.

Rose and the entire crew of the 107th set out to find out exactly where the German camp was.

They crept as quietly as they could through the snowy forest.

If one left it out of the equation that there was a war going on, the forest radiated something calming.

It was quiet, the only thing you could hear were the crunching steps of the soldiers in the snow and now and then a bird chirping.

The sight was almost like a fairy tale.

It was bitterly cold but Rosie did not freeze in any way because her body was pumped full of adrenaline.

It was quiet. Too quiet in her eyes.

After several hours of walking, she decided they would take a short break to regain some strength.

"Buck?" she said as she sat down next to him on the coat on the ground.

"I've got a real bad feeling about this. I think we should pack up and turn around. It seems strange to me that we can wander around the woods in peace for hours without being spotted."

Bucky saw the concern in her eyes and took her hand.

"Rose. There's no one around for miles but us, we'll walk a bit more and if you're still uncomfortable with the whole thing we can always turn back. What do you think about it? "

He gave her a little kiss on the forehead and she lowered her head on his shoulder.

"Ok Buck. That's how we do it."

After the brief respite, she indicated to the soldiers that they were going to move on.

The feeling in Rosie's stomach grew worse and more determined with each meter they left behind.

Just as she was about to give the command to turn back, there was a loud bang.

Rosie and the soldiers looked around and Bucky immediately came running towards Rosie.

Another loud bang followed and they saw German soldiers coming out of the thicket all around them.

They were under fire, no way to escape.

Bucky and Rosie looked at each other again briefly and whispered I love you to each other before they both grabbed their guns and started firing them.

This went on for a while until Rosie suddenly felt a thud in the back of her head and her eyes went black.

Slowly she came to and was not yet aware of what had just happened.

The only thing she knew at that moment was that her head was pounding like hell.

She slowly blinked her eyes until she opened them fully, the first thing she saw was Bucky stroking her head and looking at her worriedly.

She was lying on a cold stone floor and her head was in Bucky's lap.

She still didn't understand what had happened, so she decided to sit up.

Her head was pounding and she saw everything blurred for a short moment.

Looking around, she saw her company, the 107th, or what seemed to be left of them. They all sat on the cold stone floor and looked at her.

Only now she noticed that they were sitting in a kind of cell.
The bars surrounded them in a circle and several of these cells were next to each other.

The room they were in was gloomy and the artificial yellow/green light flickered. A musty smell filled the room.

Suddenly, all the memories flew back into Rosie's head.

She realized that she and her company were now prisoners of war of the Germans.

She turned abruptly to Bucky and fell around his neck.
She buried her head in him and began to cry.

For one reason she was very happy that he was still alive and for another reason because they were prisoners and everyone knew how absolutely disgusting the Germans would treat prisoners of war.

Bucky also buried his face in her neck and tears streamed down his cheeks.

He held her as tight as he could and was almost afraid to break something.

'Till the End of Time  - Bucky Barnes x OC - Eng.Where stories live. Discover now