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A/N: Song recommendation; 2WEI feat. Edda Hayes - Survivor


"Miss, you can't go any further from here."
The words echoed dully in her head, she didn't want to let him go, she couldn't.


After she had been bent over Bucky's lifeless body, screaming and crying, someone had pulled her up - Steve.

They had arrived on the scene just moments too late.
Clint had shot Julia in the leg with an arrow, and despite everything, she had disappeared without a trace only a few seconds later.
The blood trail had ended abruptly right at the back exit of the warehouse.

With blue lights and a police escort, they had driven as quickly as they could to New York-Presbyterian Hospital, N.Y.
In the back room of the ambulance, rescue workers were trying everything in their power to keep Bucky alive.
Julia had hit him badly, two grazing shots to the right ribcage and left thigh, and two shots had hit him head-on - one directly in the right hip and one through the right armpit.

He had lost an alarming amount of blood and they had already had to use chest compressions twice to bring him back to life. Because he was unconscious and his heart kept stopping, they had already intubated him at the port.

Rose had ridden in the ambulance despite being advised against it, holding his hand the whole time, insofar as she was able and would not block the rescue workers.
She was covered in his blood from top to bottom, it literally stuck to her hands.
She knew Bucky's life was hanging by a thread.

She had walked beside the stretcher until the end, until she was told that she could go no further.

They took him to surgery in hopes of saving his life.

Rose stood at the edge, the two double doors slamming shut just a few inches from her nose, and through the glass in the door she could still watch them take Bucky into one of the rooms. The whole way was marked with his blood and some hospital staff immediately set about cleaning up the carnage.

Reluctantly, she made her way to the waiting room. She was already met by Steve, Nat and Clint.

"W-what about Roslyn? Where is she? Is she okay?" Was the first thing she said as she entered the room, little interested in the looks of the others present.

"She's in an infirmary. She's already been examined and she's fine so far, she just needs to stay here for a day or two for monitoring." Gave her Clint as an answer.

Her brother came running towards her and they both ended up in a stormy hug full of tears.

"He's going to make it. Did you hear Rose?" He whispered in her ear which in turn made her sink even more into her tears.

"How can you be so disgusting and come into a waiting room like that?" Rose heard one of the men who was apparently also waiting for someone say to the woman next to him. He didn't say it loudly but loud enough for Rose to hear.

Her emotions boiled over. With long strides she approached the man who was sitting on one of the gray sparsely upholstered chairs.

"Excuse me? What did you say?"

"Rose let it go." Nat stood next to her and encircled Rose's forelock with one of her hands.

Rose, however, snapped out of her well-intentioned gesture and looked expectantly at the man with the polished-looking bald head.

"I was just wondering why it wasn't possible for you to change before coming into the waiting room. After all, there are other people here and not just you and your costumed friends." The man had an accent that suggested he was not from around here.

'Till the End of Time  - Bucky Barnes x OC - Eng.Where stories live. Discover now