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A/N: Song recommendation: Malia J-Topic - Smells like Teen Spirit


Arriving at the Avengers headquarters, Steve welcomed them right at the entrance.

"Hey Buck. Hey... Rosie" were the first words that broke the brief uncomfortable silence.

Rose rolled her eyes over and walked past him.
"Fuck you Steve."

Steve, whom Bucky was still trying to restrain, wrenched himself from his grasp and followed his sister.

"Rosemary Rogers!"

Rose stopped abruptly, for a few seconds she kept her back turned to him before turning and walking toward him.

Sam had joined Bucky and they both watched the two siblings.

"What's going on?" asked Sam

"Relax and enjoy the show. The last time I saw these two fight Steve was still small and lanky and Rose was still well let's just say she's not so prissy now. I can't wait to see where this takes us.

"Rosie..I.. "

"No. No. No. Don't call me Rosie or by my full name. You don't have the right to even put my name in your mouth."

She bumped both hands against his chest and Steve had to dodge backward a few steps to keep his balance.

"You. You don't even have the right to just look at me. You're my brother. Bucky went to the trouble of trying to figure something out but you? You're sitting here lazing around headquarters. You're like the big, strong Captain America. You know what? The old Steve. The Steve who didn't have the serum in his organism, he would have taken his chicken stilts in his hands and come looking for me!"

"Rose we were looking for you. We thought you were dead."

"Son of a bitch Steve are you stupid? I'm not talking about 1943! I'm talking about now. Captain Pyjama seems to be too fine to look for his sister or try to talk to her. No! He'd rather have a beer with the weird bird and watch his sister and best friend try to kill each other!"

She lashed out and a solid punch hit Steve's chin.

"I told you this was going to be exciting."

Sam just nodded in agreement.

"Rose..." Another punch hit his face.

"Rose. Rose. Rose." she mimicked him "Can you say anything else? You know what Steve? Now. Now I'm really dead to you. Keep doing what you're doing, ignoring me like I'm air, that's what you seem to do best."

Rose wanted to turn around and leave, but Steve grabbed her forearm to hold her back. A mistake, because Rose's blood was literally boiling now.

She turned to her brother once more, she tore away from his grip and boxed him once more against his chest. Steve had to dodge a few steps again but that didn't stop Rose. Her fists hit Steve again and again.

Meanwhile, several of the Avengers had gathered in the entrance hall and were watching the whole thing. They became aware of it because of the screams that could be heard almost throughout the building.

"Barnes. Can you explain to me what's going on?" asked Tony, you could see from his facial expressions that the spectacle amused him despite his ignorance.

"Let me introduce you. This is Steve's twin sister and my fiancée.... Ex-fiancée - Rose." Bucky pointed to Rose. His lips formed a smile and pure pride ran through his body - this was his girl.

'Till the End of Time  - Bucky Barnes x OC - Eng.Where stories live. Discover now