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A/N: Song recommendation: Fleurie- Love and War


Rose had fallen asleep crying in Bucky's arms, while he hugged her from behind.
Until morning he had stayed like that in her bed. He himself didn't close his eyes until an hour ago and tried several times to get out of bed, but every time he tried Rose had clung to him so tightly that he had no choice but to stay.

In the morning when Rose opened her eyes she heard a strong heartbeat under her ear and felt two arms holding her tightly.

She couldn't really remember the night, all she knew was that she had nightmares, Bucky came rushing into the room and that she had slept the rest of the night better than she had in a long time.

Her head told her to get up and not enjoy the closeness to Bucky, but her heart contradicted her head. She had missed sleeping like this, she had missed his closeness and his soft snoring that she had heard so many nights before.

For a few seconds she closed her eyes and internalized this moment, soaking it up with every fiber of her body. She knew that this would be the last time she would lie in bed with Bucky like this, not because she didn't want to, but because she couldn't.

Apparently she closed her eyes a few seconds too much because she fell back into a deep sleep lying on Bucky's chest.

There was a knock at the door of the room like so many times before - Sam.

When, after several attempts, none answered and no other sounds were heard from the room, he slowly opened it and stuck his head through the crack in the door.
Clint stood next to Sam in the hallway and just saw Sam start laughing softly.

"What's the matter? She shouldn't be dead or gone if you're laughing."

"See for yourself." Sam opened the door and Clint saw the two of them sleeping in bed, tightly embraced.

"If you saw them both like this and didn't know them, you'd never guess that the most dangerous assassins of the last century were sleeping peacefully and apparently happily."

"Come on let's let them sleep, they seem to be sleeping really well for the first time in a long time."

The two quietly closed the door behind them and made their way to the dining room, where the others were already sitting and eating breakfast.

"Where did Cyborg and the little ninja go? Did they kill themselves or disappear again? Please say one of them is true?" asked Tony as the two entered the room.

Sam and Clint grinned to themselves.

"The two grumpy old guys with aggression issues are still sleeping together like two little curled up pussycats." Sam explained to the others, cashing in on looks of disbelief.

Wanda was the first to speak up.
"So you're telling me that the girl who came close to killing Steve yesterday..."

"She didn't almost kill me." Came from Steve who was sitting across from her with a busted lip and a black eye.

Wanda looked at him and laughed "Ok, correction. The little one who tore Steve's ass up yesterday and Bucky who is numbingly incapable of emotion,are upstairs together cuddling peacefully?"

"The two of them have a history together. Steve is the only one who knows what they were really like back then, so leave them alone and be glad they're not at each other's throats. And à propros cuddle cats, when will the two cats of the two finally come out of my room?" Came from Natasha, who had hosted Alpine and Nyx in her room last night together with Steve.

'Till the End of Time  - Bucky Barnes x OC - Eng.Where stories live. Discover now