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A/N: Song recommendation: The Rare Occasions ~ Notion (slow + reverb).


2018, New York City

After Hydra had finally been brought to its knees and Bucky had lived in Wakanda for just under two years, he tried to build a new life in New York.

Wakanda had left its mark on him. Not only did they manage to get the Winter Soldier out of him, Wakanda became a home for him.

He formed a deep attachment to the place and its inhabitants.

After nearly 70 years of moving from one battle to the next, it was there that he first experienced something like peace.

Steve, who lived at Avengers headquarters, helped his best friend find a small apartment in New York.

Actually, he wanted Bucky to move into the headquarters as well, but he didn't want that.

He wanted his own apartment - his own life, independent of the Avengers.

Independent of his past.

Natasha Romanoff, who was Steve's girlfriend by now and whom Bucky had tried to kill more than once as a Winter Soldier, forgave him. One could almost say that they were now friends.
Well friends was exaggerated, better expression for it was probably good acquaintance.

Tony, whose parents were killed by the Winter Soldier in 1991, had also forgiven him. He had realized that Hydra was to blame and not Bucky.
That this insight came from Tony himself, he dares to doubt, more likely is that Pepper had talked him into it.

All in all, it was a rather tricky situation that everyone learned to deal with.

They learned more and more that behind the Winter Soldier and the grim Bucky there was another one.

A Bucky that Steve knew only too well.

His apartment was in a quiet neighborhood in Chinatown, New York.

Steve and his new friend Sam helped him set it up. If Bucky had his way, there probably wouldn't even be a bed in it.

On the 3rd floor of an apartment complex was the small apartment which was decorated in industrial style.

They had kept the colors muted, everything was black, gray or cognac.

The furniture was simple but stylish - very straightforward.

The style reminded Bucky of his old apartment, the one where he had lived with Rose and Steve.

Steve also got drawing utensils, he knew that the old Bucky had loved to draw and hoped that maybe he could reawaken this passion.

Every evening when there was finally some peace and quiet, Bucky climbed out onto the fire escape. From there he had a direct view of the Brooklyn Bridge.

He often sank into his memories - the good memories.

Of back before they had to go to war and their whole lives were turned upside down.

Of the carefree times when Steve, Rose and he were happy.

Until today he blamed himself for everything, for not listening to Rose and for breaking his promise.

His promise that he would get her out of there.

He couldn't and wouldn't even imagine what she had to go through and how scared she must have been.

The end of time had come for their relationship faster than they ever expected. But he knew that the love he still felt for her would really last until the end of time.

'Till the End of Time  - Bucky Barnes x OC - Eng.Where stories live. Discover now