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A/N: Song Recommendation: Zara Larsson - Uncover

September 2019, Harpers Ferry

The last three months flew by. Since Bucky and Rose had started over and shared a bed every night, neither had any nightmares to torment them.

They lived together in the house like a normal couple and enjoyed the time and peace away from fights and other miscellaneous problems.

Every few weeks they would get a visit from one of the Avengers who would always bring them the mail that arrived for the two of them at headquarters.

The research into who was behind the events of the beginning of the year had turned up nothing. Since the attack on the headquarters, however, nothing more conspicuous had happened, which let them conclude that whoever was responsible for it had given up.

Bucky and Rose had been happier the last few months than they had been since the 40s. Throughout the summer, they had been doing a lot little things. For example, they went hiking, went skinny dipping at night at a lake, tried out various recipes they found on the Internet, or just spent time together cuddling in front of the TV and updating their knowledge of movies and series.

Despite that they were happy, almost carefree, Bucky always noticed that Rose was struggling with something.
She had tried to tell him something over and over again, but it would never cross her lips. Bucky knew that there must be something big behind it, because every time she tried, she always left the room because she wanted to be alone.
He had accepted that she couldn't tell him, even though he would love to know what was on her mind. He would not push her but give her all the time in the world until she was ready.


They had slept in today because they had done a Harry Potter marathon the night before. It was Sam's fault who had been preaching to them for months that they had to watch this movie series.

It was lunchtime and Bucky and Rose were both in the kitchen.
In West Virginia, unlike New York, it was still really warm in September, like today, it was almost oppressively humid.

Rose sat at the kitchen counter watching Bucky cook while she ate an apple with relish.
She was wearing a pair of short jersey shorts that completely disappeared under his shirt she was wearing. It was way too big for her and on her it almost looked like a shapeless dress. Her dark brown hair, which was naturally wavy, she wore open.

Bucky, who was in the process of putting the pasta casserole in the oven, wore nothing but a pair of black sweatpants that sat loosely on his hips.

"You know what I don't get about Harry Potter?"

"No, but I'm sure you'll tell me in a minute, Sweetheart."

"The wizarding."

Bucky turned to her and raised an eyebrow.

"The spellcasting?"

"Yesssss, the spellcasting." She stressed again to add emphasis to her statement.

"And what exactly don't you understand about that?"

He walked up to her and she wrapped her legs around him.

"It's unrealistic, total bullshit."

Try as he might, he couldn't hold back his laughter, resting his forehead against her collarbone as he did so.

"You're telling me that you think it's unrealistic that people in the movies, something that isn't reality, can do magic? Even though we live in a world where there are gods, aliens, super soldiers who are over 100 years old but look no older than 30, Dr. Strange who can open portals, Banner who turns into Hulk when he's in a bad mood and whatnot?"

'Till the End of Time  - Bucky Barnes x OC - Eng.Where stories live. Discover now