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A/N: Song recommendation: Elley Duhe - middle of the night (reverb and slowed)


After Bucky had explained his view of things to her, Rose had torn herself away from him.
She ran as fast as her legs could carry her. Past Sam and Steve without paying them any attention.

Bucky stood in the alley and watched her go, only to discover his two friends.

"Seriously? All that's missing is the popcorn, right?"

He picked up his bag of food he had placed on a windowsill earlier and walked into his apartment, Sam and Steve silently following him.

Bucky was just putting the already cold food into the microwave when Steve decided to break the silence.


Bucky interrupted him. "Nothing Buck. Please just be quiet for a moment Ok?"
He placed the heated food on the coffee table for the two of them, rummaged through some shelves and climbed out onto the fire escape.

Sam and Steve both remained silent, watching him go.

"Should we?"

"No, he needs a quick five minutes."

Bucky climbed up the fire escape, onto the roof and sat on the edge, his legs dangling down the wall of the house. He had a book in his hand, Rose's diary.

He flipped to April 1943, to the day they had become engaged. The entry was a good three pages long.

Dear Diary, Today I got the surprise of my life. Becca stormed into my room in the morning...

... Bucky is back, my buckster....

... Steve and Becca planned everything together behind my back....

... we are now engaged and I can't wait for the war to be over so I can marry him...

...I'm going to be a Mrs. Barnes...

... I couldn't be happier...

... He is the love of my life and we will grow old together. Build a house, have kids, be happy....

...I can't even begin to put the love I feel for him on paper.... soon as the war is over I want to marry him, in the beautiful chapel at Green-Wood Cementary....

... He and I Until the end of time no matter what hurdles time brings. He is and always will be ♡ Rose

He stroked his fingers over the words she had written down, tears ran down his cheeks and fell onto the paper.
It was the first time he looked into one of her diaries, he had never dared before and he did not want to violate her privacy even after her death. But now he needed it, he needed something to hold on to.

He had seen that the old rose was still in her, he knew that somewhere in the cold heart she had gotten, love for him, for Steve, for books and music still beat.

As he closed the book, strips of pictures fell out of one of the pages.
They were picture strips of Steve, Rose and him.

They were at a dance where the photo booth was, Rose and he had just started dating.
In the pictures where it was just the two of them, you could see the young love, the passion between them.

'Till the End of Time  - Bucky Barnes x OC - Eng.Where stories live. Discover now