22. Months gone like seconds

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Their internship ended with a positive note and they were offered permanent jobs in  the company. They were given a month time to decide on that. Both Nethra and Madhav locked themselves in their place. They had no idea of leaving outside.

Nethra entwined her fingers with him and stared deep into his eyes. They didn't want to disturb the comforting silence that enclosed them. Next day, they both packed their stuffs and exited the place delaying time as much as possible. They locked the house and gave the key to the house owner.

They split up with heavy heart for their nativities. When Nethra reached her house after hours of travelling, her mother engulfed her in a hug. Involuntarily, her eyes teared up missing the warmth along with the guilt she had for hiding her love. Her father patted her head softly before asking about her travel.

Then her mother started speaking to her after she came out refreshing herself.

"I'm actually worried about your marriage a lot these days. Your about to be in-laws house is suspiciously silent for a while. We tried contacting them but I feel they are avoiding us. Is there anything wrong?"

Exhaling a deep breath she didn't know she held, Nethra stated the truth.

"Yeah, Ma. I don't think I'm ready for this marriage. I... love someone."

Her words shocked her mother more than anything. Her father who heard this got tensed and broke the silence.

"My god. You are engaged, Nethra. Is this why you went to Bangalore? If you liked somone, you should have said this to us before the engagement. How can I face them?" He held his head between his fingers. His forehead had many crease lines implying how stressful he became of the situation.

"I'm really sorry for that. It..just happened. I swear I didn't know Madhav before. I would have stopped this engagement if we happened before. But life made things complicated. Sorry pa and ma. I spoke with Rakesh's parents and convinced them. Please trust me on this." Her eyes pleaded to her parents.

"I don't know what to say. But I'm disappointed with your actions. Give us sometime," Her mother informed her before consoling her husband.

Her father couldn't yet digest the information. At the same time, he didn't want his daughter to have the expression of sadness. Nethra felt that the words of her words sliced deep into her heart. It would have been better if she had shouted at her like her father.

When she looked into her mobile, she noticed more than ten missed calls from Madhav. She went inside her room and sat in the bed while ringing his number.

"Is everything okay?" His first words brought up all the emotions she tried to withhold.

He could hear her sobbing through the other end but couldn't comfort her in a hug. Yet he didn't want her to prolong in that.

"It's okay. Their emotions are fair. Don't worry. They love you more and they wouldn't hurt you intentionally. Also.. I'm here with you either physically or emotionally."

She wiped her face with a towel and whispered, "I know you are. And I'm scared of losing you."

Though he felt the same, he comforted her.
"If you speak more like that, I'm gonna travel to your place and hug you tightly. I don't think your parents would approve of that."

She chuckled at that and said, "But I would prefer that."

And then the tension vanished between them while filling it with pleasant conversation.


Hey readers,

Hope you liked this part.

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