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Ok, you might have found this book because it was suggested to you, you searched it or it just randomly popped up in your face and you felt that it spoke to you (Although I don't know what you searched to find 'Reasons Why I Am Dead') ... I don't know, there are a million and one reasons why you could be reading this, but now that you're here, why not take a look at what perils you may face at the hand of this book.
Short Stories: Most likely fanfiction... For those fangirls out there.... Like me...

Rants: 'cause we all need SOMEWHERE to let it all out

Song parodies: This is a random book. It needs random topics.

Imaginative thingymajigs: I need to record these things down, they don't stay around for long.

Fangirling: Because I just have to.

Discoveries: Mainly about Fandoms

So there. Basically the reasons why I am dead, now you don't have to read!! Just kidding, don't go!! Actually, go if you want, I really don't care who reads this book but if you are continuing this book and you're reading this, I siriusly appreciate you giving your time to read this crap. Now continue reading at your own risk. Nah just kidding, it won't be scary.. But if you are scared, you might wanna skip the Fangirling chapters... Hehehehehehehehehehehehehehhehehehhehehehhoooooooooooooooooooooooooohoooooooooooooooo............. Don't ask.

Oh, and a little bit a about me, I am a grammar freak. I love reading (well, duh!!). All my ships are OTP's (and also Argo II's). My Fandoms are: The Infernal Devices, The Mortal Instruments, all the other Shadowhunter Chronicles and The Hunger Games (a/n IT'S ME FROM THE FUTURE!! *ahem* Anyway, I have a ton more fandoms now, like PJO/HOO and HP and I'm starting Maximum Ride and everything!!). I honestly can't be bothered to type my fleet of ships here so just read my info thingy on my profile to find out.


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