Chapter 2: Simon Lewis being Discriminated

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I don't own the picture. I got it online.

Ok, for those of you who haven't read The Mortal Instruments or Shadowhunter Academy, Simon Lewis is a 16 year old boy who was once a mundane, then a rat, then a vampire, then a mundane again and now a Shadowhunter (it's complicated). His girlfriend is Isabelle Lightwood. He has brown hair and adorkable glasses

Right, so now that you kind of know Simon, let me just say why so many people (including me) love this guy so much:

1. He was and still is always there for Clary, no matter what happened/happens.

2. He completely hilarious, you know, turning himself into a rat and stuff...

3. He would never cheat on anyone unless he was drugged and yes, maybe he dated 2 girls at once but that was only because he didn't want to hurt each other's feelings.

4. He is an adorkable geek (how can you not love that)

5. He practically sacrificed everything he knew for his friends. Of he didn't do this, Magnus would be dead. YUP!! YOU CANNOT HATE SIMON FOR SAVING MAGNUS LIKE THAT!!!

So those are only SOME of the great traits about Simon. So there's one thing that bothers me.


No, not including Jace and Alec. Come on, we all know they both have some sort of admiration for Simon ever since he stepped forward instead of Magnus, even though Jace had a tendency to call him names and Magnus simply cannot get his name right.

I'm talking about some (a very small amount) people who write what they call, TMI Fanfictions where whenever Simon comes up, they insult him:

Simon: Hey Fray! Where are you going??

Clary rolled her eyes, Ugh, he's so annoying.

Clary: I'm busy Simon!!!!!

Jace: Who was that?

Clary: Ugh, just Simon being an idiot.

Like, what the heck??

Now, I'm not saying that every TMI fanfic is like this, 'cause they aren't. In fact, some of the fanfics are just AMAAAAAAAZZZIIIING!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm just saying that I have seen one or two fanfics like that and I no longer remember the titles of those fanfics because they were one of the first books on my old account.

So, there aren't any fanfics like this any more, I'm pretty sure/hoping and I just posted this to get off my mind 'cause it's been on my mind for a LONG time now.


QuestionoftheChapter: What is your favourite TV show???

My answer: The Next Step

Your answer: Say it in the comments!!

➰➰May the odds be ever in your favour ➰➰


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