What Chapter was it again..?? 11, I think

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Hellooooo... I just searched up things on the Shadowhunter's Wiki and I knew it would be a suicide mission but I still did it. I was also about to search up pictures of Jace Herondale, but that's like a slow, cruel, painful death. In other words, I would have fangirling WAYYYYYY too much.

I just wrote muh instead of much.

muh muh muh muh muh!!!

So evil.

Yeah, this is just random.

Here's another suicide misson (my friends are going to kill me for saying this)

I didn't feel like writing the next chapter for my other book so I'm doing this instead.


I said it.

Here's a little skit conversation that sent Kat in a message (BTW, this Will and Anni are the ones from my book):

*Will is doing his signature pose, leaning against the doorway*

Anni: Where the hell did you get that doorway from??

Will: Oh this?? I bought it so If I needed to look awesome I could lean against it...

Anni: You did?? Oh...

Will: In the name of the angel Raziel, I'm being sarcastic!! This is the internet, one minute we were standing in a blank white space, the next, we're in the Institute in your room and I'm leaning against your doorway!!

Anni: Oh. Okay, well that explains everything.

Will: I wonder what freak is doing this to us.. hmm.. Oh well, I guess Anything Can Happen!!

*Suddenly the song, 'Anything Can Happen' starts playing

Anni: WTF

Will: Language, lady

Anni: *slams door in Will's face*

Aren't we normal??

Anything can hoppon... anything can hoppon...


OMH (I have no idea what that stands for) I HAVE A NEW IDEA!!

The evolution of 'Yeah'





I'M A GENIUS!!!!!!

Anything can hoppon, anything can hoppon...


hoppon... hoppon...

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