Chapter 29: Promoting Vampire Sparkling Sun Spray 50+ (what the heck?!)

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Okay, so the other day, ally_middo and I came up with an advertisement for vampire sunscreen, and this is how it played out (I'm going to add in some extra bits):

"Are you tired of watching mundanes frolic in the sun, while you're stuck in the dark for eternity?? Well, our new 'Sparkling Sun Spray 50+' is the thing for you!! Enjoy a guaranteed ONE WEEK in the sun. Simply apply the sun screen on yourself (having a bath in it is recommended) once every week and the next thing you know, you'll be running around in the sun like those dreaded mundane children!!"

And then we came up with this:

So, there's a vampire standing miserably under a shade thing while Simon's just casually walking to like, Clary's house, not knowing he's being a filmed. He notices Jace and Alec running around in the background, doing cartwheels and all sorts of stupid dances, covered in glitter by Magnus, who's doing a magnificent glitter shows around them.

So, Simon's like, "What the-" and then he notices the camera and is like, "Wait wha- Hey! No paparazzi!!" Then he runs for the camera while Jace is doing pirouettes and Alec is doing some sort of Irish jig then the camera turns off.

Great, isn't it? Here's another one my friend and I came up with last year:

So Jace is being awesome and fighting a bean bag or something, and the camera zooms into all his runes on his arms and stuff, then Jace take a running leap off a building and is like,

"Runes can do tons of things for us. They can make us agile, stealthy and coordinated, but there's one thing they can't do, and that's give us protein. Remember kids,must because we have runes, doesn't mean we should stop eating fruit,"

Then he runs and a bunch of things a thrown at him like chairs, baby dolls, pianos, sandwiches and what not. Then he reaches a table with a bunch of fruit on it. He takes out his sword and stabs it through a watermelon, gives a manly roar like, "HAH," and bites a huge chunk out of the melon, chewing it disgustingly while juice splatters everyone.

Then Simon comes in the background like, "Dude, that's sick! You've skewered demons with that thing!!"

It's fantastic, isn't it? Now you know what I do in my spare time.

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