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Shinsou's POV

It's been about a month now and I feel really weird about my thoughts about Monoma.
I don't know if I have a really like him or I just feel safe around him.
As I walk to hero training whit the others I feel really hot. It's one of the hottest days of the summer and my costume is getting a bit to much.
As we get to the arena I sit down in the shadows with the others. I see Monoma walk up to me with a brown handbag slinging over his shoulder down to his hips.
"Hot today?"
He asks as he looks down at me.
I nod as he sits next to me.
"What's with the bag?"
"Oh, because of the heat I decided to take some stuff if anything happened. You know, bandages, water, chocolate and other medicine equipment."
He say handing me a small bottle of water.
I ask confused.
"Dark,It helps if you get sick. Pony told me"
He laugh.
I find myself looking at his smile. It's pretty, his real smile is actually really comforting.
"I kinda feel bad for you wearing all that and I just wear a tuxedo"
He says as with a small chuckle and I feel my blush speed on my face and I put on my mask.
"It's fine I'll install some kind of cooling system whit Hatsume"
I say looking away.
He looks at the arena and then back at me.
"Your group is up. I'll be here waiting!"
He say getting up and extending his hand. I grab it, gets up and walk to my group.

Monoma's POV

I look as Shinsou walks in with his group and smile to myself and then all of a sudden feels a hand on my shoulder, it's Kaminari.
I ask as I turn to the other blond.
"Ummm, I know this sounds stupid but.I kinda like Hitoshi so ..you know..."
My eyes widen as I see him all flustered.
"I never knew but, what do you want from me?"

"It's just. I wanna spend time with him to see if I got a chance so if you could maybe. Give me a chance?"
I look at him and nod.
"It's okay, I'm not into him. We are just friends after all I care for is if he's okey...I will"
He smiles and thanks me and skips away.
I follow Shinsou to the screens to see the fight.
I lay my bag on a table as it's a bit heavy.
I look at how Shinsou is doing and notic he's not as good as normal.
He's slower and stops to breath a lot more.
Well it is really hot out and that costume is not cooling yet, but I keep an eye out, just for safety.
The others aren't doing well either, they are sweating buckets out there.
"Sir it looks like they will faint from the heat any moment now"
I say a bit worried.
Aizawa looks at me and then at the screen.
After a few minutes he starts speaking over the speakers.
"That's enough kids it's too hot out here"
I look and see them sigh in relief and Vlad getting some more water for them.
As they get out they look tired but as I look at Shinsou I get a bit worried.
"S-Shinsou you good bro?"
Kirishima asks and walks up to Shinsou who is literally shaking and panting for air.
I get up to him but before I do. He just collaps to he ground and doesn't get up. I run over to him, push Kirishima away and puts his head in my lap, Kirishima stands in pure shock.
I take off his mask and put my hand over his mouth to feel if he's breathing.
(Study breath. Good)
I zip open his jacket and see just a with shirt. I feel his chest for a good pulse.
(A bit fast but healthy) and then I see it a big, read bloodstain on him.
I see a few people get over to us.
"Pony, my bag!"
I yell and she runs to my side and I quickly grab a small knife and bandages.
I cut his shirt open and look at the wound.
It's not life treating big, that's a relief, bust it most have happened by the heat and getting cut by metal.
I fix up the wound and gets a smal towel and water.
I put the wet towel on his forehead and gives a sigh of relief.
"He's good, it's okay"
Everyone signs and thanks me.
"Okay give them some space. Vlad, make the kids something to do, I take it here"
Vlad nods and hushes the others away from us.
I just feel nothing in the moment. I saved him. I actually saved someone's life. Waw

I will always be there PART 1Where stories live. Discover now