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My mind was taken away as Momo and Ibora were fighting out there.
They both are strong, smart and of course strategic.
As I look at the screen and feel annoyed to not have any sounds, I feel someone behind me. No big deal, but this was Midoria.
I turn to him, he looks terrified of me.
Nothing new there....
"Can't wait to see who wins between us huh?"
He asks as I look back at the girls.
"No, I take it as it goes, and that is what you should. Go away"

I say crossing my arms.
"You still hate me right?"
He says looking sad. I turn to him angry.
"What even is that for a question, of course I am. And I will continue with that until the day I die"
I hiss and look away.
"I just did what a dying man wished for"
He says and looks down. I look at him and speak in a low voice. "He wasn't the dying one of you. He was the price if you went there, you just gave up your spot to him. What kind of hero does that?"

He walks off and next I hear Denki walk to me. I turn to him and smile, he just looks down.
"What's wrong with you?"
He asks me. His voice is faint and quiet as if he didn't want me to hear. Me eyes look over him.
His golden hair over his eyes, his usual so happy face replaced my a sad look of emptiness.
"What do you mean? Nothing is wrong with you"
I ask back. His eyes slowly meets my own eyes, he locks us in that moment, silence only broken by the new fight.
"What am I doing wrong? You don't kiss me, don't really cuddle, I just wanna know if I do something wrong"
He say fumbling with his hands, I look him up and down before I go to him and put a hand on his shoulder.
"Denki, you can't possibly do anything wrong, you're the nicest and sweetest person I could ever know"

He looks at me with a small smile.
"But I can't lie to you and say I like you in that way, I just see you as a friend and would hate to lose you as one, I hope you understand"

He looks at me in shock but then nods.
"I know what you mean, your in love with him aren't you?"

I slowly nod my head in shame. He puts a hand on my shoulder and looks at me with a small, sad smile.

"I understand that, I'm sorry he won't ever know, your a good person Shinsou. Even if he's not with us, he's the luckiest man to have someone like you smitten by him"
I felt an knot in my chest, he understands? He is okay with it?
I hug him, he hugs back and walks of waving.
"See you later, bestie!"
I chuckle as I look back to the screen.
It's my turn. It's time to fight Midoria, he's dead meat after I'm done with him.

I walk into the fake building . I know he's inside somewhere. As I walk I keep listening to the sounds around me. It wasn't much in here but then I suddenly hear footsteps.
I heed behind a wall and see him sneaking around.
I take my chance and flung my binding clothe at him.
I get him around his waist and throw him across the room. I hear the sound of his skin crashed against the steal wall and I just softly grin.
He gets up and try's to get a punch but I just dock under.
He starts getting frustrated and runs off.
I am quick to follow, he runs up to the 3 floor and try's to hide.
I walk into the room we're he ran into. He hid good.
But I find better.
I slung my scarf at him, dragging him so he hit the floor. This was it. Now or never.
I flung up his body and roundhoused him in the stomach. He threw up some blood but I for sure didn't care. He laid on the ground, I just walked up to him. He tried to fight back but I just kicked him again, he was out. I won I herd All might over the speakers but something was missing.
As he weakly moved his head, I hit it with the side of my boot just enough to hurt. Out of camera view.
"That's for the bolet. You came out easily"
And with that. I left.
As i got out the other came to congratulate me but I just walked past them, I'm not in to mood to talk. With anyone right now.

I will always be there PART 1Where stories live. Discover now