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I look up at him and take a deep breath.
"Just, don't tell anyone, and. No kissing, I don't really want that"
He smile, nods and nuzzled our foreheads together.
I smile and then he lets go.

"I'm back, how are you- oh"
I look up to see Monoma coming back and stops when he sees us.
He looks at Denki and smile.
" I'm so happy for you two"
He say. Denki smile back as he hugs me.But his grin looks. Weird to me. A bit stiffer then normal.

"I'm just here to say that class is over a bit early, so you two can just head back, oh and Shinsou, stop by at Recovery girl on the way"
I nod and Denki helps me up as Monoma walks away.

Monoma POV

I walk back to the changing rooms and is already dressed when the other gets in.
"Hey man how's Shinsou?"
Awase asks and I look at him.
"Fine" I mumble and gets ready to leave.
"Is something wrong, your bet whit Pony is over and yet, you almost never speak about class A, you sick or something?"
Tetsu jokes and I get up.
"Mind your own business"
I hiss and gets out.
As I do I hear them ask.
"What's up with him."

( just saw my friend with a blond stereotype that is "what's wrong")

I shake my head,

(No, no. Don't think like that. It makes him happy, if he's happy...it's okay. No overprotectiveness, Happy thoughts, happy thoughts)

I take a deep breath and gets out of the changing rooms. I pull out the note book and starts scribbling thoughts down. I was nice not being smashed by Kendo wile letting that stuff out.
As I lean against a wall to finish up, I hear someone stump over.
Boom boom boi? What does he want?
He stands against the other wall and glares at me.
I ask as I pack away the book.
"I think something's up with you copy cat."
He growls.
"And why do we think so?"
I say arrogantly and his eyes narrowed.
"What's in that book?"
He looks at my bag. I look down at it and then up again.
"None of your business"
I say bluntly, his red eyes burn into your soul.
I hear footsteps and then, just leave.
He can't hurt me If someone's here. He would be expelled.
I walk to the cafeteria and gets some lunch. As I eat, I hear someone sit in front of me. It's Shinsou.
"How are we doing?"
I ask looking at him, tilting my head.
He looks at me with a soft smile. He should do that more, it suits him.
"Well Recovery Girl said I will be good, she's impressed by your work as well"
I give a smile, Then I saw Kaminari sit next to him.
"What are you talking about?"
He asks as he lays an arm around Shinsou's neck.
"Nothing much Denki"
(First name basics already?)
I look down at my food as I start eating, hearing then talking about 'sweet nothing'
I don't like such but who am I to juge?
We do make small talk and such but i do my best not to talk. I would not want to be 'rude'
After lunchtime, I was the first to get up.
"It's was nice to chit chat with you two, have fun or whatever"
I say as I walk away.
I see Pony run after me. I stop and she took a few deep breaths.
"H-hey...why were you sitting whit K-Kaminari?"
She asked catching her breath.
"He's was with Shinsou"
I say as I look down at her.
"Are they-"
"What. No, No they are just friends"
I cut her off.
I promised him not to out him and I'm a man of my word.
"And you aren't mad about it?"
"I don't own him, he can befriend whoever he chooses, not me"
She looks at me in shock.
"You good?"

I will always be there PART 1Where stories live. Discover now