Chapter Thirteen: Bowling, texts and tears.

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Hiiiiiii :-)

Usually my chapters are called 'ALEX' or 'ALEX AND HARRY' and its starting to piss me off. So im gonna call a chapter something to do with... What's gonna happen in it.

Anyway here's chapter... 13? Alex is like my favourite character because she's a lot like me personality wise. Looks wise the only similarity we have is the hair colour. That's it.

Here's the chapter my Turtles :)))



The bacon was inedible. Really. Neither Harry or I wanted to eat it, and I wasn't bothered to get dressed and go out. Even for food.

"Make more," he suggested.

I grunted. "Can't be asked."

"You're soooo lazy, AND you haven't answered my question."

I played dumb. "What question?"

"About going on a date with me, silly!" He grasped my waist. Again.

"I'm still thinking."

"Ugh, you bastard."

"Ugh, you bastard." I imitated, making my voice whiny and high pitched. The kind of voice I hate.

I was about to say something cocky when, on the kitchen counter, my Blackberry beeped. I picked it up, unlocking it and checking the new text. My eyes widened.

From: Unknown.

Watch your back.

Dafuq? Who would tell me to 'watch my back'? It could be a prank, it could be serious. I swallowed nervously, my stomach twisting. I frowned.

"Everything okay?" Harry's deep husky voice came from behind me.

I barely took notice of him. "Y-yeah, everything's fine." I lied.

He didn't look like he believed me, but didn't push it. I was glad. I can't stand it when people tried to force you to tell them something.

"I wanna go bowling today," Harry said, changing the subject, "and Buckingham Palace tomorrow. I've never been there before."

"You sure you didn't kidnap someone from there?" I muttered.



"You should be."

I put my phone down and turned so I was facing Harry. He was still so close to me; I could feel his breath on my cheeks. I put a hand on his chest, trying to increase the distance between us. It didn't work. No matter how hard I pushed, he didn't budge.

"Ugh," I grumbled, agitated.

"You need to work out."

"Be quiet," I snapped, not really angry at all. "Let's get dressed. We can pick up breakfast along the way and then go bowling."

"Good idea."

"I know." I said and ran up the stairs to my bedroom, Harry hot on my heels. I grabbed a pair of black ripped skinny jeans and a peach net top that said 'yeah right' on it. It was so see through, being made of net, so I had to wear a vest underneath.

I ironed my clothes then chucked them on the bed, leaving Harry and jumping in the shower.

The hot water soothed my aching muscles and I lolled my head back, turning my face up to the shower head. I shampooed my hair with my favourite apple shampoo; then conditioned it so my curls would be silky.

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