
523 15 3

march 13, 2022

*ring ring*
hyunjin awoke suddenly to his phone buzzing under his pillow. as he turned it off, he groaned, realizing his phone said it was a monday. his phone also displayed a low battery icon, earning another grumble from the boy. 

hyunjin lazily rolled out of bed and pulled apart his curtains, only to be greeted with rain coating the sidewalk. how much worse can this day get? he thought. after quickly getting dressed and skipping breakfast, he left his flat.

one thing about hyunjin was that he loved coffee. he really loved it. so when he learned that his favorite shop that was just a block away had closed down only yesterday, he was completely clueless on where to go.

the boy checked his phone, the 7% sitting in the top right, almost as if it was taunting him for his forgetfulness. sighing, he opened the map and looked for nearby shops.

5:40                                                                        ⟲    7%

nearby shops:
truly coffee - ★★★★☆ | 0.7 miles away
▷ directions

가족 - ★★★★★ | 0.2 miles away
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raskin bobins - ★★★☆☆ | 0.8 miles away
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hyunjin clicked on the middle option, thinking it looked most promising. i hope it's as good as the rating describes, he thought as he continued to walk.

204 words

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