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hyunjin walked into the coffee shop, the now familiar chimes ringing. looking around, he didn't see jeongin anywhere, so he sat down at a table near the counter, smelling the delicious scent of cookies and brownies next to him. the boy checked his phone for any messages from jeongin, seeing none. hyunjin was feeling a little disappointed, wondering if the younger forgot about their "meet up", when suddenly-


hyunjin whipped around, seeing the cute boy looking at him. hyunjin took in what he was seeing, jeongin standing before him, wearing a loose beige sweatshirt with black jeans. his beautiful hair was still hanging before his eyes, distracting hyunjin from his surroundings. he also noticed the boy struggling with a bunch of different pastries in his hands.

"hey jeongin - here, let me help you with that."

soon, the both were seated at the small table, a heap of different desserts covering it. hyunjin spotted brownies, m&m strewn cookies, and even a tiny cake, coated with chocolate frosting.

"you needed to take a day off to get these?" hyunjin asked.

"no, i actually had to bake everything - we bake all of our pastries here, you know, and i wanted you to eat fresh," jeongin gushed out quickly.

"oh no, you didn't need to do all that!" hyunjin exclaimed, looking at the younger, although he secretly enjoyed the special treatment he was getting.

the two just sat there for a bit, staring at each other silently. then, hyunjin picked up a cookie, breaking it in half and giving one piece to jeongin. the elder popped the cookie in his mouth.

"this is delicious!" hyunjin said excitedly, feeling the warmth of the fresh cookie. "this is the best cookie i've ever had."

"wow! that really means a lot to me," jeongin said, a rosy tint now covering his cheeks.

from then on, the two had no trouble talking to each other; jeongin started talking about himself to hyunjin. the elder learned a lot about jeongin - that he had a degree in baking and pastry, that he took art classes, played the piano since he was 7, and had two puppies named eun (은) and haneul (하늘). the younger seemed to have so much life to him, despite being a little shy. hyunjin loved that - he was slightly hypnotized by the younger...

"so what about you, hyunjin? what's your life like?"

hyunjin's eyes refocused, now meeting eyes with jeongin.

"oh, uh. my name is hwang hyunjin, i love hugs and physical contact, i'm an accountant, and my birthday's in 5 days," hyunjin said shyly.

"oh! happy early birthday!" jeongin said excitedly. "i should make you another cake. is there anybody celebrating with you?"

noticing the elder's eyes darken, jeongin fell back in his chair, saying "oh, sorry, i didn't mean to intrude."

"no, it's okay. i'm celebrating with my friend chan and his fiancée. you can come if you want," hyunjin said, a small smile on his face.

the two continued talking until it was about 19:00. hyunjin, despite his liking for the younger, tried his best to stay focused and have a good conversation with jeongin. even though the two had just met, hyunjin really liked the boy and everything about him; his personality, how he acted, his hobbies, and much more. however, his heart skipped a beat when he heard what the younger stated.

"would you like to come over to my house? it's warmer there," jeongin said, his face now extremely red.

hyunjin paused for a second, before saying "i would love to."

so that's how 3 hours later, hyunjin and jeongin were in jeongin's room, lying next to each other in jeongin's bed.

615 words

coffee shop | hyuninWhere stories live. Discover now