
315 10 6

march 16, 2022

hyunjin's eyes forced open. instead of seeing his normal dark flat in the early morning, he was greeted with the back of a boy's head of black hair. realizing what had happened the night before, he smiled softly to himself. however, that smile dropped when he checked his phone. the time read 6:47.

oh shit, i'm gonna be late for work. my boss is going to kill me, he thought to himself. he also realized that innie's parents probably let him sleep in, considering he should've been at the shop right now. with a sharp inhale, he also thought of what innie's parents would've seen when they walked into the younger's room...

sliding stealthily out of bed to avoid waking the younger, he stood up. he was about to leave the room, when he heard a little moan behind him. turning around, he saw innie turning a little in his sleep, stopping the elder.

hyunjin went back to the younger, staring at him for a bit. how does one sleep so peacefully and beautifully? he thought, before tucking innie back in. he found a scrap of paper and pen, writing a note to innie and another to the family for being so kind to him the previous day. after he was done, he left one of them on the younger's bedside table.

after one quick fleeting look around the room, hyunjin left, entering the hallway. he made his way to the exit, leaving the other note on the door. and with that, hyunjin started for work.


jeongin arose later that morning. yawning, he looked over to his alarm clock. 8:02, it read. did my parents let me sleep in? he thought to himself, getting up quickly. he spotted a note on his bedside table, saying "hey innie, thanks for letting me rent a spot in your bed for the night! it was very cozy. have a good shift at the shop :) - jin <3" smiling to himself, he quickly got dressed and started for the short journey to the coffee shop.

walking in, he saw his brother at the counter, talking with a female customer. he noticed his brother standing straighter than usual, his face a little flushed. taehyun then spotted jeongin. smirking, jeongin went behind the counter.

waiting for the girl to leave, the older brother bent down into the younger brother's ear. "talking to girls, i see."

"you're one to talk, sleeping with him last night!" taehyun exclaimed, a little loudly. "mom and dad literally made me fill in for you until you woke up! thank gosh i just started break."

a different girl looked up, picking up the conversation between the two brothers. boys sleeping with boys? i'm in a y/n moment! she thought, grinning to herself.

meanwhile, jeongin had already taken over for a grumbling taehyun. right after jeongin checked the stock of coffee beans to make sure they still had enough, he whipped around to see a man with short blond hair walking up to the counter. jeongin smiled, realizing who it was.

"chan! is that you?" jeongin asked.

"indeed it is. good to see you again," chan replied warmly.

chan was one of jeongin's good friends back in high school. they met because of chan becoming a mentor for struggling students; however, the two clicked together and became close. they had become distant over time since it had been years, but they were still both on good terms.

chan started by saying "i'm not here for the coffee, but i do have to ask you about something."

"what happened?"

"i take it you've met hyunjin? he's also one of my close friends, and he might've mentioned you a few hundred times through texts just recently," chan said. jeongin had a feeling he knew what the elder was going to say.

"so do you like him? i know you're gay, and he seems to really like you."

"maybe. i mean, he is really handsome. he also slept next to me last night, he had his arm around me and everything like a big spoon," jeongin said, his face turning a bright shade of red.

"that's cute," the elder said, a slight smirk creeping onto his face. "just to let you know, i'm getting married in may, and i invited hyunjin. i told him to bring a date with him, and i think we all know who that date is..."

"c-chan!" jeongin said, his face now buried in his hands in embarrassment. "i'll think about it... and congratulations on your wedding! i'm so happy for you!"

"thank you, thank you. okay, i need to go now. wedding stuff, you know?" chan said, smiling as he turned around for the door.


the elder whipped around. "hm?"

jeongin stood there for a moment. "i'll ask him tomorrow."

806 words

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