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march 18, 2022

hyunjin awoke suddenly. he had slept better than he did in a while, although he didn't know why. he smiled, checking his phone, realizing it was a saturday. his phone also displayed a perfect 100% battery icon, earning a huger smile from the boy.

hyunjin lazily rolled out of bed and pulled apart his curtains, greeted with a blue sky, not a cloud in sight. how much better can this day get? he thought. however, he knew that an important topic remained.

hyunjin took his phone off the charger, checking the time, seeing 9:37. damn, i slept really good, he thought. however, that wasn't what hyunjin was on his phone for; he cautiously unlocked his phone, opening the messages app.


channie                                                             18:52
good night to you too!
chenle 18:39
good work today. you have a vacation day on monday. happy birthday -your boss
innie ♥︎ 18:04


throwing all cautions to the wind, hyunjin quickly chose innie's contact.


9:38                                                                  100%

can forgive me


innie ♥︎
➺ meet me by the park at 10


butterflies swarmed hyunjin's stomach almost immediately after reading the text. i can't believe it, he thought; he assumed the younger hated him now, that they would stop talking, and the elder would have to find a new café to go to.

that doesn't mean whatever he has to tell me is good news, hyunjin thought darkly. i'll just have to hope for the best.

in not even 2 minutes, hyunjin was already out of the house. the butterflies had gotten stronger, his heart pounding faster as he went to his neighborhood's local park.

the park was hyunjin's favorite place to be. ever since he had moved in with chan and jennie, he would go there any chance he got. he loved how large it was - it was big enough to stretch towards the forests, the grass always nicely trimmed. even as time moved on and hyunjin had started college and gotten a job, he would still make time occasionally on the weekend to stroll around, breathing in the fresh air.

now, the whole park was coated with a thin blanket of white, giving it a luminous aura. hyunjin stood there staring at it for a while, pulled in by the abundance of white everywhere he looked. the color of the snow seemed even whiter than white. although the boy would've liked to stay like this for a while, there were more important matters to attend to.

hyunjin checked his phone. 9:58. sighing, he wiped snow off of his favorite bench before sitting down. he remembered all the times he would sit there, talking for hours with chan about anything under the sun. maybe except for the UFO theory hyunjin had once (that was over the sun). hyunjin chuckled, absorbed in his thoughts, when he got a tap on the shoulder.


hyunjin recognized that voice; turning around, he saw jeongin's face mere centimeters away from his own. the gap was closed as jeongin leaned in, the younger's lips meeting the elder's.

they were like that for a while, just two boys at a bench in a park, except the standing one pulled back after a while.

"we have a lot to catch up on," innie said, a smile on his face.

551 words

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