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hyunjin had just gotten home, quickly getting changed and dropping into bed with a bag of chips.  he was about to open netflix, when he saw that he had a new text message.

unknown number
hey, it's me jeongin, the guy from the coffee shop :)
▷ open notification?

hyunjin clicked on the message, opening a dm with jeongin.

17:40 64%


unknown number
➺ hey, it's me jeongin, the guy from the coffee shop :)
➺ so how are you?

➺ i'm pretty good. i must say, even though i only just started going to ur shop, i really like the espresso


hyunjin smiled, going to the information to create a contact for jeongin. he labeled it, "jeongin ♥︎". another notification popped up at the top of his screen. he clicked it excitedly.


jeongin ♥︎
➺ you know we also have pastries, you should really try them
➺ there's biscuits, cookies, brownies, even mini cakes lol

➺ oo i should thanks for the recommendation '・ᴗ・'
➺ anyways let's get to know each other
➺ how old are u?

jeongin ♥︎
➺ i'm 20 wbu

➺ i'm 21. i knew i was older than u hehe

jeongin ♥︎
➺ skfkskfkskfs (●'◡'●)ノ
➺ do u wanna meet up sometime tomorrow? we can talk more
➺ i can bring u some of the pastries for u to try

➺ oh noo you don't need to do that i'll buy them myself

jeongin ♥︎
➺ i insist
➺ anyway when do you have time tmrrw? the afternoon?

➺ my work ends at 5 and i get home by nearly 6
➺ does 6 work?

jeongin ♥︎
➺ perfect!
➺ well i gtg for now ttyl?

➺ oh ok! text u later :) bye


hyunjin put his phone down quickly, smiling to himself. he thought, did i just land myself a date?

285 words

coffee shop | hyuninWhere stories live. Discover now