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jeongin sat there for a while, gaping at where hyunjin last disappeared from his sight through the window. he didn't know how long he sat there, he just couldn't believe what had just happened. he was almost certain the elder liked him back. he started panicking. was i too blunt? does he not like me? did i confess too quickly? tons of ideas were swirling through jeongin's head; his emotions were growing stronger, his thoughts getting messier, until he cracked. tears fell from his eyes onto the table below him, making him bury his face in his hands. he just cried and cried and cried, wondering what had brought him to confessing his feelings only 5 days after meeting hyunjin. he finally wiped his tears away, about to stand up, when suddenly, he was given a little tap on the shoulder.

jeongin looked up to see a boy with red hair who looked no older than him looking at him empathetically. he remembered the boy; the red hair had just boughten a bunch of brownies and a coffee right before jeongin's shift ended.

"i couldn't help but overhear your conversation with that guy while i was sipping the coffee," the boy said, almost pitifully. "by the way, the coffee was delicious. but anyways, want to talk about it?"

jeongin was so deeply immersed in his emotions that he couldn't say no. he repositioned himself back in his seat, gesturing for the unknown boy to sit down where hyunjin just was.

"w-what's your name?" jeongin asked timidly, feeling embarrassed to have cried in front of anybody.

"seungmin. 김승민," the boy said. "i know we don't know each other, but you can talk to me. i'll be an open book for you where you can write down all of your feelings."

jeongin looked curiously at the boy for a moment. he noticed how poetically seungmin stringed words together, and decided that this new person was safe enough to talk to.

jeongin decided to pour his heart out into his words; he told everything, from the start, how he'd just met hyunjin, customer to cashier. he explained how hyunjin had initiated small talk, how their friendship had taken off from there, how he had even invited the elder into his house, and even slept within hyunjin hyung's arms. he also mentioned that he discussed with a friend what to do, and that he came up with the idea to confess, leading up to the recent events. all throughout jeongin's explanation, seungmin sat there listening intently, nodding his head occasionally. after thinking to himself for a bit, seungmin finally came up with a response.

"hyunjin never said he didn't like you, right?" the red hair asked inquiringly.

jeongin thought back for a moment. "no, he didn't. but with the way he acted, he probably hates me now," he said, tearing up again.

seungmin comforted the younger. "hey, it's okay. don't cry. if he left you like that, he was never worth your time," he said. then he noticed the younger's eyes, which were welling up with tears again. that was a little tactless, he thought, adding "however, he never said he didn't like you; one thing i always tell myself is to hope for the best, but prepare for the worst. he might like you, he might not. just be sure you're ready to accept either answer when the time comes."

"you have a way with words, you know?" jeongin said, finally cracking the tiniest smile.

"i've been told," seungmin said, grinning. "hey, i have friends over with pizza, you should come with me and we can cheer you up a bit."

feeling safe with the elder, jeongin complied. seungmin helped jeongin up, walking the younger over to his house.


"i'm back guys! there better not be any tomato sauce on my couch, i just bought that, you know," seungmin said, opening the door to his house while leading the younger in.

jeongin took a look around his surroundings. he noticed two black haired boys watching jeopardy on the tv, while a blonde haired boy and brown haired boy sat on the floor, arguing over a game of uno! jeongin laughed as he heard the brown haired one exclaiming, "i uno reverse reverse you! wait... that reverses to you... wait NO YOU COME BACK HERE LEE FELIX!" he yelled chasing after the blonde hair, who was running away with tons of cards stuffed in his pockets.

"oh hey, seungminnie, welcome back!" one of the raven haired boys said. "i see you brought brownies! who's that with you?" he added, noticing jeongin standing shyly behind him.

"hey minho! this is jeongin, he works at that shop i went to. the brownies are heavenly," he continued as "minho" jumped up to grab one.

minho popped one into his mouth. his facial expressions as he chewed were enough to explain to jeongin how he felt about them.

"that might just be the best brownie i've ever had," minho said excitedly. "did you make these?"

"yeah, i bake most of the pastries there back at my shop," jeongin said, a hint of proudness in his voice.

"hey changbin! come here," minho called back to the couch. the other black haired boy looked up at the call, put down his pizza on the box, and walked over. "try one of these," minho told him, and yet again jeongin witnessed "changbin"'s face morph into different reactions as the brownie hit his taste buds.

"jeez! you made these? they're so good, i can't even explain," changbin said. jeongin nodded.

seungmin looked apologetically at jeongin, who seemed overwhelmed by all of the people he was meeting. "well, i should probably introduce you to them," he said as the other two people came back into the room, noticing jeongin for the first time. "guys, introduce yourselves."

"i'm minho, 이민호 , nice to meet you," minho said kindly to jeongin. jeongin smiled in response. he turned to changbin.

"i'm 서창빈. or changbin. you make damn good brownies," changbin said approvingly to a now flustered innie.

the blonde went next. "i'm jisung, or 한지성," he said. "and i'll introduce you to this little shit over here."

"this is felix. or yong bok. or 이용복. whatever you want to call him. all you need to know is that he's an annoying aussie, aM i RiGhT mAtE?" "jisung" said, looking accusingly at "felix", who hit him before returning his attention to a giggling jeongin.

"yep, that's me," felix said begrudgingly, giving a seething look to jisung. "we were all tight since middle school and somehow still managed to stay friends until now. i don't know how i put up with this annoying man right here," he said angrily, yet again hitting the brown haired boy.

seungmin led jeongin to the kitchen, the sound of the group talking and laughing behind them. "don't mind those crackheads," he said, a little embarrassed. "i just wanted you to feel safe here, so you can come back any time you want if you need help with something, or just to hang out.

"anyways, personally i think you should shoot hyunjin a text. ask him to meet up again, to talk it out," seungmin said kindly, carefully conjuring his sentences as to not make jeongin start crying again.

jeongin realized the elder was right; he decided to check his phone when he got home.

"i'm sorry, i should be heading home soon before my parents start wondering where i am. really, thank you so much for this. you're an angel sent from the heavens, i swear," jeongin said gratefully.

seungmin smiled at the younger. "i exist to give advice," he said, as the two walked back towards the door.

after exchanging quick good byes with everybody, jeongin left for home.

ok, this chapter is actually long asf. i started writing on my laptop recently, so now i can write longer chapters. i hope you guys enjoyed this one, i knew i couldn't exclude the rest of the crew! enjoy the rest of the story ♥︎ - author

1344 words

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