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march 17, 2022

it was finally friday. another week about to be finished of accounting. hyunjin sat up in his bed, smiling to himself. he was going to see innie, his new crush, in barely half an hour. his phone read 5:50.

by the time hyunjin had made it to the coffee shop, his heart was beating faster than usual. he was almost hungry to see the younger; he had spent too much time away from innie, and he felt separated.

when he walked in, he saw jeongin standing at the counter, a fresh espresso already in his hand. hyunjin strode up to him.

"i already knew what you were getting," the younger said quietly, suppressing a smile.

"and you were right. can i get a cookie, too?" hyunjin replied.

"of course. also, after your shift ends, come back here," jeongin said, his stomach fluttering. "i have something important to tell you."

"oh! now i'm excited," hyunjin said, a small pout on his face. he quickly paid for his m&m filled cookies, although he noticed jeongin take off the price for the coffee.

"okay then, i'll see you later," hyunjin said, bowing before starting for the door.


jeongin checked his watch. 17:12. hyunjin hyung should be here any moment now, he thought. he was seated at a table in the shop, his foot tapping impatiently. he had texted chan right after he got off his shift.


17:13 82%


➺ hey hyung! i just got off my shift
➺ hyunjin hyung should be here in like 30 minutes, that's when his shift ends
➺ and then i'll tell him the news


➺ that's great innie! tell me how it goes
➺ i know he'll say yes it's so obvious
➺ and trust me, he's a great guy. he'll take care of you

➺ i know i'm making the right decision (•̀ᴗ•́)
➺ ttyl hyung he's gonna be here any minute now


jeongin put his phone away, anxiously sitting in silence. finally, the door opened, and the younger saw the familiar face appear in the doorway. his heart fluttered again.

hyunjin walked over to jeongin, smiling at the sight of him. jeongin quickly got up and pulled the chair opposite him out for the elder. hyunjin sat down.

"so... how was work?" jeongin said nervously.

hyunjin's eyes stared into the younger's. "it was good," he said after a bit, although his mind was on a different topic. "so what did you want to tell me?" he asked.

"so, um..." how do i put this? jeongin thought. his heart was beating so fast, he thought he could feel it in his head. he decided to say it as bluntly as possible.

"i like you."

hyunjin stared at jeongin for what felt like an eternity. he looked at the younger directly in the eye.

"jeongin, i-"

hyunjin was surprised by the younger's response. he wasn't surprised by what the younger had said, he just wasn't expecting innie to say it so randomly.
he was head over heels for this boy he had just met, yet something held him back.

"sorry jeongin, i have to go," hyunjin said, almost sprinting out of the shop.

532 words

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