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may 15, 2022

"you may now kiss the bride."

chan looked happier than he had ever had. he stood there for a second, before glancing at hyunjin, before closing the gap in between him and jennie. the crowd erupted in cheers - chan's family, jennie's family, and hyunjin and jeongin. seungmin and the others had made it as well.

hyunjin clapped hardest of all. chan, the first person to really ever be there for the boy, was now having his moment, and the younger was all for it. hyunjin couldn't explain the happiness he felt seeing his hyung and jennie go further into their relationship. a grin planted on his face, he stood up with everybody else to go start trying the refreshments.

pulling jeongin by the hand with him, he found a coffee stand with several options, a familiar branding on the side of each coffee maker.

"oh, you managed to get coffee in here?" hyunjin asked.

"yeah, although i think most people will go over there," jeongin replied, looking over at the alcoholic punch. "that's not the only thing i made here, though."

"hm? what else did you ma.." hyunjin trailed off, his eyes falling on the cake.

it was no wedding cake hyunjin had ever seen; it was 4 layers high, a marble white design for each one, golden trails lacing it completely.

"i know it looks pretty standard, but the layers are really stacked up in each section," jeongin said.

"wait, how do you know that? you're not telling me you-"

"no, i had a lot of help from my parents," jeongin interrupted. "i couldn't have possibly made this on my own."

hyunjin sat there, gaping at the cake as people started taking slices.

"hey guys, i'm so glad we could make it!" a voice said behind them.

seungmin stood before them in a fancy suit, followed by his new girlfriend lia. she smiled at them warmly.

"where are the others?" hyunjin asked.

"oh, they're over by the punch, i think," seungmin said, glancing over.

minho and jisung were a thing now, for around 2 months. they stood lovingly in line together, smiling while waiting for the other couples to get their punch.

on the other hand, changbin and felix were arguing over something that the other four couldn't hear from the cake area. hyunjin could barely make out felix's voice, clearly pissed about some random topic.

the four walked over to them, their voices becoming more intelligible as they closed in.

"why did you touch my sausage???" felix said angrily.

"well it was in the fridge, what was i supposed to do about it, not eat it?" changbin shot back.

hyunjin, jeongin, seungmin, and lia decided to leave that conversation be, moving over to minho and jisung instead.

"hey guys!" jisung said, a wide smile on his face. "i can't wait to taste the punch, the people at the front seem to love it!"

"i can't wait to taste you, either," minho said low enough for only jisung to hear. jisung flipped around.

"you guys seem to be having fun," minho said to seungmin and lia. he turned towards hyunjin and jeongin. "how have you guys been?"

"better than ever!" jeongin said happily. we're going to an amusement park tomorrow; it's really hot."

"yeah!" hyunjin said, adding in a whisper, "hey, can you come with me? i need to use the bathroom."

"sure!" jeongin replied. hyunjin pulled the younger by the hand.

the couple stopped right outside the mens' room. he looked jeongin in the eye.

"i love you, yang jeongin."

"i love you too."

the (real) end

okay!!! this is the official end of the story! i hope you guys enjoyed, i really loved writing this. if you have any suggestions for edits or even new stories, please tell me! have a great day/night wherever you are!

- author

644 words

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