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jeongin closed the door, checking his watch nervously. 20:09, it read. sighing in relief, he started walking to his room.

even though he was already 21, jeongin's parents always wanted to at least know where jeongin was, feeling protective of their boy. innie didn't mind; in fact, he liked the feeling of people caring about him. he smiled as he walked into his room. however, as he sat down on his couch, the smile quickly faded as jeongin was reminded of the recent events.

he sat here. here, on this very couch, right next to me, jeongin thought. why did i have to ruin it all?

he was kicked out of his thoughts as a knock came upon his door. he looked up.

"come in!"

jeongin's mom opened the door slightly, peering into the room.

"hi innie! welcome home! where were you?" she asked.

"oh, i met someone at the shop named seungmin. he's really nice! he's around my age; he invited me to his house, and i got to meet some of his friends. they seemed like a cool group," jeongin said, trying to avoid any topic concerning hyunjin.

"oh, i'm happy you made new friends! i know it's late, but your dinner is in the fridge. you can go microwave it if you want it," his mom said kindly, before quietly closing the door.

jeongin thought about what he'd said. he remembered seungmin's suggestion; he knew that he should text hyunjin or even meet up with him. the younger felt bad, as though he had tried to rush everything, and went and ruined a new friendship he had.

jeongin pulled his phone out of his pocket. what if he texted me that we should stop talking to each other? what if he's mad? what if he hates me? thoughts of every possible horrible outcome flooded the boy's head.

jeongin sighed. he decided he wasn't going to eat dinner. going into the bathroom to brush his teeth, he said to himself, i'll text him tomorrow.

little did he know what was happening in his dm with hyunjin.


as soon as hyunjin had left the coffee shop, he knew he'd made the wrong decision.

how could i have been so stupid? he thought. i know i like him, and he just confessed to me as well. why did i do that?

hyunjin ran into his apartment, jumping onto his bed. "i have to make this right," he said aloud, pulling out his phone.


18:04   49%


➺ hey innie
➺i really like you to
➺ no
➺ i LOVE you
➺ i know we just met but you have such a nice personality, you're so cute, and i love everything about you
➺ you made a difference in my life
➺ you matter so much to me
➺ i was just surprised when you told me, i hope you can forgive me


hyunjin hoped he would get through to the younger. smiled to himself, very slightly, he put his phone down. despite the time, he eventually started drifting off...

506 words

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