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hyunjin and jeongin stared at each other, the slight breeze filling the ambience. after a moment, the elder decided to take his chance.

"will you be my boyfri-"


hyunjin didn't need another word. picking jeongin up bridal style, he swung jeongin around, both laughing uncontrollably, and then he started marching to the younger's house. hyunjin looked into jeongin's eyes, finding his happiness in the other's. looking up, he saw the familiar house.

after jeongin unlocked it while still in the elder's arms, the two walked in, only to be seen by taehyun on the couch. the youngest started cackling at the two elders, who paused immediately.

"MOM! DAD! COME QUICK!" taehyun yelled.

before hyunjin could even put jeongin down, the two adults were already standing in front of them, almost as if they'd teleported. they stared at the new couple for a moment, completely silent. nobody moved.

after a moment, innie's dad slowly pulled out a $20 from his pocket and grudgingly passed it to his wife.

"HA! I TOLD YOU! IT WAS GOING TO BE TODAY!" innie's mom yelled in delight, pumping her fists in the air. "now i can go get that boba drink i wanted!"

"huh? you were BETTING on when we would start dating?" jeongin asked incredulously.

"of course we were, son," jeongin's father said. "it was obvious from the first time you mentioned him to us. i thought you'd start dating tomorrow, and eunyeong said it would be today."

jeongin finally smiled. "okay, thank you for bringing me home. you can go to yours now, thank you."

hyunjin spluttered. "b-but-"

"no buts," the younger said. "i have a huge project i need to work on.

with a resigning sigh, hyunjin said "fine. i love you innie," only to get embarrassing coos from jeongin's mom. "i'll see you soon."


hyunjin didn't get many texts from jeongin for the rest of the day. the elder figured this "project" that the younger had must have been really important and difficult. instead, hyunjin resorted to meeting up with someone.


chan sat at the dining table, continuing his plans for his wedding. jennie was in the shower, so chan was secretly looking for the perfect suit to buy. he was interrupted by a knock on the front door.

the blonde haired boy went up to the door, opening it.


"hi hyung, it's been a while," hyunjin said warmly. "i've missed you."

"i've missed you too kiddo. now what has brought you back here?" chan asked.

"well, i have a date to your wedding."

chan's smile grew quickly. "ah, i take it you're dating that little fox boy, am i right?" he inquired. the younger nodded.

"WOOHOO! best wedding ever!" chan said, his face now breaking out into excitement. "let me get the wine!"

half an hour later, jennie walked into the kitchen. "hey channie, how's th- oh, well look who it is! hey honey, how have you been?" she said, running up to hyunjin and giving him a tight hug.

"i've been good, 누나, and i found the perfect person to go with to your wedding."

"you did?!" jennie squealed, her face now even more excited than chan's. however, that smiled was wiped away when she saw the vodka in her fiancé's hands.

"channie baby, you better not get drunk with the new information i have just learned. he gets quite needy when he drinks too much," she added in a low whisper to a giggling hyunjin. "anyway, let me see this boy. he better be at least SOMEWHAT cute."

"OMG HE IS ADORABLE!!!" jennie screamed

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"OMG HE IS ADORABLE!!!" jennie screamed.

"i know, i know, and i love him very much," hyunjin said, smiling at his 누나's craziness.

the three of them talked for a while, jennie joining in with the vodka drinking. soon, chan started pushing hyunjin towards the door.

"thanks for stopping by hyunjin, and congratulations on your new boyfriend, but jennie and i have some business to attend to..." chan said drunkenly, jennie flushing red behind him.

hyunjin said bye quickly before bolting out of there, sighing in relief. he took his time on the way home, appreciating the familar neighborhood that he used to live in. the same tree him and chan used to visit and hang out at was still standing, he noted, making his mood even higher. then, he looked past that.

he froze.

his old home was still the same warm wood brown color, even though so many heartbreaks happened within those walls. hyunjin took a moment to ponder all of his memories there, and decided they were all irrelevant. i'm not going to let it affect my mood, he thought to himself, putting a smile back on his face.

around 30 minutes later, hyunjin arrived home. dressing into his home clothes, he jumped into bed. he didn't realize how long he'd been at chan's; his clock already read 22:00. deciding to go to sleep, he sent a quick good night to jeongin before falling asleep almost immediately.

835 words

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