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after talking for hours, hyunjin and jeongin headed off to the younger's house. hyunjin was nervous; he just walked into jeongin's life only 2 days ago, and the black hair was already letting the brown hair into his house.

when hyunjin walked in, he was greeted by a man and a woman. "oh, you must be hyunjin!" the man said, adding "we're jeongin's parents. our son was really excited about you today, he wouldn't stop talking about you!"

the woman was looking fondly at hyunjin, then to her son, whose cheeks, yet again, turned a shade of pink. "you can have dinner with us - you seem to make innie very happy. it's a small thing we can do to repay you for lifting our son's mood."

hyunjin nodded, but only one word stood out to him. innie. the elder suddenly wished to call the younger that.

"c'mon hyung! let's go sit down at the table," jeongin said warmly. "my parents made 삼겹살."

hyunjin gave a weak smile, not used to all of the attention he was getting. he was always the background character in his life; his older brother was always overshadowing him with better grades, and he was always in the back of the office, silently working. the only other time hyunjin felt loved was when he was with chan and jennie.

once everybody was seated at the table (including jeongin's younger brother, taehyun), jeongin's parents were surprised with the speed of hyunjin's eating; he seemed to wolf down the 삼겹살 (samgyeopsal). within five minutes, hyunjin had already finished his portion. looking up, he noticed everybody staring at him; nobody was even half way done with their food.

"you're a fast eater, hyung!" taehyun said, grinning.

"ah, i was just a little hungry," hyunjin replied, adding "even after all of the sweets i had earlier", seeing the look of disbelief on jeongin's face.

the yang parents laughed, with the other three joining in. i feel so at home here, hyunjin thought. i love these people.

after a few more minutes of listening to the sound of slight conversation between the family, hyunjin asked, "may i use your bathroom?"

jeongin quickly got up, so fast that he accidentally tripped.

"sorry," he said, trying to get up and falling again.

hyunjin helped the younger up, only to be greeted face to face with him. the two stared at each other for what felt like ages. both were lost in each other's eyes, their flawless skin, everything about each other mesmerized them both.

"follow me," the younger said, his head down in what hyunjin knew was embarrassment.

"okay, innie," hyunjin said, smiling to himself. as he went after jeongin, he could hear taehyun snorting behind him.

hyunjin almost ran into the bathroom, closing the door immediately behind him after mumbling a thank you to the younger. the elder stood there, looking at himself in the mirror, thinking his heart was about to explode. it was scary how a person could make hyunjin feel this way; he finally understood what it meant to have a crush, having never had one before in his life.

after standing for a while, hyunjin pulled out his phone, opening his dm with jeongin. he entered the information section.


contact name
jeongin ♥︎

what would you like to change the contact name to?
innie ♥︎


innie lead hyunjin to his room, sitting on his couch. hyunjin stood there awkwardly.

"what are you doing? come sit next to me," innie said teasingly.

hyunjin sat down carefully next to the younger, who was turning on his tv and opening netflix.

"you said you live alone, right? you can sleep over, you know." the younger said while scrolling through shows. "what do you want to watch?"

the elder stared at the boy. "you can choose what we watch. and i guess i could sleep over," hyunjin said nervously.

innie left it at that, although hyunjin was worried about where he was going to sleep; he was probably going to end up sleeping on the couch. sighing, he looked back at what innie was choosing on the tv.

"vivo? isn't that a kid's movie?"

"oh c'mon, we're all kids at heart," the younger said, giggling slightly. "i heard this movie's a good one, too."

soon, the two were huddled up under a blanket, watching vivo sneak into gabi's bag. while innie was immersed in the movie, hyunjin was immersed in innie. he sat like that, watching the younger's emotions as different parts as the movie passed, until the room darkened, signaling to hyunjin that the movie had ended.

at this point, it was only 22:30, but the younger yawned; he was quite sleepy from baking the whole day. hyunjin knew he couldn't force innie to do anything more, watching him snake over to his bed, snuggling himself in his blankets. the elder sighed, grabbing a pillow from the couch and positioning himself in the most comfortable way he could. the two lied down in silence, until hyunjin heard a voice call out to him.

"come sleep next to me."

this is a much longer chapter omfg. if you read my author's note saying this would be a short story, i don't think it's ending any time soon LMAO but hope you enjoyed this longer section :)) - author

885 words

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