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around 5 minutes later, hyunjin approached the shop, reading the sign at the top. despite living in america, hyunjin was korean and made out the title 양 가족 to mean "yang coffee" as he walked inside.

a soft chime ringed as the door opened, earning hyunjin stares from behind the counter. he walked further in, looking around the place. there were a few people sitting and chatting at different tables, all quietly sipping their drinks. hyunjin looked at the banners overhead, deciding what he would get.

"good morning, and welcome to yang family coffee!" a boy said, looking at hyunjin.

"hey, i wa-" hyunjin paused, looking at the boy properly. he had jet black hair, which was falling in front of his forehead. as the boy was slightly shorter, the latter suspected that he was younger. but the most noticeable feature about the boy was his smile; his whole face seemed to be shining. his eye smiles were very evident, and his dimples were cute, hyunjin noticed. the boy was also looking at hyunjin expectantly, bringing him back to earth.

"sorry, i wanted an espresso," hyunjin trailed off, feeling a little embarrassed. the boy seemed to have caught him staring.

"what's your name?" the boy asked, pulling out a fresh coffee cup and a sharpie.


the boy smiled warmly at hyunjin, retreating to the counter, where the coffee bean grinder started whirring. hyunjin sat down at a table nearby.

as soon as he sat down, hyunjin felt himself looking back at the boy, getting lost in his quick and efficient strides, his bangs swaying slightly, his arms as he topped the coffee cup with a top...

"espresso for 현진?"

hyunjin perked up, seeing the boy looking around the shop. he swiftly stood up and walked over to the counter.

"your total is $2.69," the boy said, again with that mesmerizing smile.

hyunjin fumbled around with his wallet, pulling out a $5. the boy took the money and gave hyunjin his change.

"감사합니다," hyunjin said quietly, thinking about something he was about to do.

"you're welcome! have a great day!" the boy said kindly.

"what's your name?" hyunjin asked suddenly.

"jeongin. 양정인."

hyunjin smiled back at jeongin, waving as he headed for the door. he noticed his name written very neatly on the side of the cup before he took a sip. as he tipped the drink down his mouth, he felt warmth flooding through him, giving him shivers. he smiled again.

as hyunjin walked out of the chiming door, sipping the hot coffee, he didn't realize that his heart was beating slightly faster than usual.

437 words

coffee shop | hyuninWhere stories live. Discover now