
449 17 4

march 14, 2022

jeongin woke up that morning, his little brother telling him it was time for breakfast. his watch read 4:45. his mouth opened in a wide yawn as he jumped out of bed and went downstairs.

jeongin had recently taken ownership of his family's coffee shop; his parents were well known in the community for being kind and warm people, with jeongin following suit, having to have a lot of responsibility with turning the age of 21. although jeongin's parents were still monitoring and helping out at the shop, he was the one to talk to with customers, stir up the drinks, and calculate payments.

jeongin loved his job. he loved talking to people, and being a cashier at his family shop made him the happiest person on earth. he was always a smart student, although not the sportiest, but he kept the pride in the yang family.

the only thing his parents were wondering was when he was going to get a boyfriend. ever since he came out to his family a few years back, his parents wouldn't stop pestering him about when he was going to find somebody. his response was always that he "hadn't found the right person yet".

that's why when he was sitting at the cashier an hour later and saw that customer hyunjin walk in, he smiled.

"oh! the customer from the other day. hyunjin, was it?" jeongin asked, although he knew exactly what the boy's name was.

"yeah! uh, can i get another espresso? i'm running on low energy for work," hyunjin asked, restraining a tiny laugh.

jeongin made a sound of confirmation as he walked back to the coffee materials, writing "현진" on the side of a fresh cup. however, his mind was more focused on hyunjin himself; the guy seemed really tired, yet he was still very nice; his brown hair fell before his eyes, and he had a cute face shape. jeongin knew this guy had to have gotten crushes falling over for him back when he was in school.

as hyunjin took his new coffee and change, jeongin decided to take a chance, even if be barely knew the guy.

"hey, can i get your number?" jeongin inquired sheepishly, his face turning red.

"yeah, sure. let me write it down for you," hyunjin said, pulling out a scrap from his pocket as jeongin handed him over a pen.

"here you go," hyunjin said, handing jeongin the slip of paper, adding "has anybody ever told you that you have a cute face?"

hyunjin waved goodbye and took off for the door, leaving a gaping, blushing mess of a jeongin sitting in his wake.

441 words

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