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march 20, 2022

hyunjin was already in his clothes, jogging over to jeongin's house. the elder was hoping so much that whatever plan the younger had in mind was for hyunjin's birthday. all possible ideas were flooding through his head, making him start walking faster.

he passed the now very familiar yang coffee shop, the yang house already in sight. hyunjin started full on running, his excitement getting the best of him.

hyunjin walked up to the door, pushing the doorbell. he stood there in silence for what felt like years, until the door opened slightly. the boy walked through, seeing an abandoned house. nobody was there.

"hello?" hyunjin asked cautiously, immediately thinking something was wrong. he looked around the bare house, when he suddenly got the shock of his life.

"SURPRISE!" multiple people yelled, scaring hyunjin into the door, accidentally shutting it behind him.

hyunjin straightened himself back up, looking around.

he saw the parents of jeongin, looking as though they were about to faint from laughing at hyunjin's reaction. taehyun stood next to them, a grin planted on his face.

to his surprise, he also saw chan, standing there, happy as ever, using one hand to hold jennie's hand, and the other up in the air in delight.

his eyes finally turned to the one he longed to see most. jeongin. he seemed cute as ever, his hair nicely styled and his outfit carefully chosen out after hours (unbeknownst hyunjin). the boy seemed expectant of a reaction from the elder, causing hyunjin to look towards the table.

sitting on it was the most beautiful cake that hyunjin had ever seen. it was two layers high, with fondant as blue as the sky, and silver detailing so small the elder could barely make it out.

hyunjin slowly walked over to the cake, looking at the top. he could barely believe his eyes. written in golden icing was the message "happy birthday hyunjin!"

"this? all of this? for me?" hyunjin said quietly.

"yes. all of it," jeongin said, smiling his warmest smile yet towards hyunjin.

the elder ran right to the younger, giving him a huge hug, until jeongin was lifted into the air. hyunjin heard taehyun snickering and jennie cheering, but nothing else mattered in that moment to him except jeongin. yang jeongin.

after a while, everybody was seated and eating a slice of birthday cake.

"there are so many layers in here!" hyunjin exclaimed to jeongin, trying to count them all.

"five, in fact. vanilla, chocolate, strawberry, cheesecake, and red velvet," jeongin listed, proud of his work.

"so you're telling me... you baked this whole thing? no wonder it took you all day yesterday!" hyunjin said incredulously.

"i might've gotten a little help. i met some friends a few days ago, who all came over to help create the layers, but they couldn't make it here today," jeongin said, thinking of seungmin and the rest. "and of course chan and jennie came to help, specifically with the decorating. jennie's a great interior designer."

"i didn't know you even knew them," hyunjin said. "where did you guys meet?"

"oh, in high school. but never mind that," jeongin said. "how does it taste?"

hyunjin hesitated before shoveling a spoonful into his mouth.

"shit! that's the best cake i've ever put in my mouth!" hyunjin exclaimed.

"not the last," chan muttered, smirking as he looked at jeongin. the couple didn't hear anything.

after everybody was done eating, hyunjin stood up with a soda in hand. "i have to raise a toast."

"first of all, to all of you who helped out in making this happen today, thank you. i have never been happier in my life."

"second, to my coffee shop closing down. i really liked it there, but if it never closed, i wouldn't have visited the yang shop, and we wouldn't be gathered here today."

"and lastly, to the most amazing boy in my life sitting here in front of me, yang jeongin," hyunjin finished saying, triggering strong applause as well as furious blushing coming from the younger.

after everybody finished clapping and the chatter filled the silence, hyunjin sat back down, looking at jeongin happily.

i love you, jeongin. i'm so happy i met you. after 22 years, i finally found the person i was looking for that i never knew i needed. i love you, innie. my innie.

the end

AHH it's finished! i would've wanted to continue writing forever, but i couldn't; i think the story ending here is perfect how it is. if you've made it up to this point, thank you so much for reading. i really hope you enjoyed coffee shop. hopefully i find time to write another story as well! i know it isn't long and juicy, but i'm happy with where this book is at. (also, i know i'm probably going to write an epilogue. there's one more event that hasn't been covered...) until then, so long, readers!

- author :)

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