Chapter 11 (part 3)

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Laura's POV

I knocked on the Lynch's door waiting for someone to let me in. It was pretty cold out here and I was getting very bored. I didn't here a single word or breathe from the inside. What were they doing in there?! I'm about to turn around and go back home when the door slowly opened. I saw R5 and Vanessa, and some other girl with brown hair and pink highlights on the ends of her hair. She was pretty tall, about 3 inches taller than me.

I gave a warm smile and waved, "Hey guys". I stood there waiting to be let in. Everyone crowded around the door and just stood there, it was getting pretty awkward.

"Aren't you going to let me in?" I ask, trying not to sound greedy or anything. I literally saw everyone snap back into reality and moved out the way to let me in. "Thank you" I said as I walked through the doors. That girl I didn't recognize, you know the one with brown hair and pink highlights at the ends of her hair, yea she kept giving me a weird look, I have no idea why. It's creeping me out.

After like 2 minutes of awkwardness everyone sat down in the living room and talked. The usual, basically. We ate pizza, watched movies. It was fun. But I had to keep ignoring Ross. It was easy for me, but hard because he is my best friend and I can't just push him out of my life. Maybe i'm being over dramatic about this. No, he had no right to yell at me for something I never wanted to happen or even did. Sorry won't make this situation go away.

Eventually everyone went to sleep, except for Ross and Lauren. I found out her name like 50 minutes ago when Rocky was talking to her. Lauren keeps kissing Ross and cuddling with him and it's disgusting. Maybe I'm just jealous. No, I don't like Ross anymore. Ugh! Life is complicated.

Lauren wasn't going to leave until I left because she doesn't want anything to happen between me and Ross, but she got a call and had to go home. So now it's just me and Ross........

Should I make small talk? No, that would be too awkward.

" So, Laura, I need to tell you something." Ross says. I start to get nervous. I don't feel like talking about what happened with me and Kevin. That whole thing was sickening and disgusting and I want to forget it. But Ross still brought it up. Great.

"Laura, I'm really sorry for yelling at you about the whole.. Kevin thing. It's just, I really care about you, I never meant to make you cry. You mean everything to me. I - I" Ross said. he started to look really nervous around the end of his "speech" like, he was about to say something he knew he would regret later. But the look in his eyes makes it seem like something else. I never seen that look from Ross before. What was he trying to say?

" Go on." I said, nonchalantly. He stared, it looked he was having a mental debate with himself. Then he got up from the love chair and walked towards me and the couch. He sat next to me and took my hands in his. He looked right into my eyes and said,

"Laura, I love you."

I was shocked. I didn't have the will to reply. This felt so right, but it was wrong. He is with Lauren, even though I want to be with him. I can't. He is only going to hurt me, because he has Lauren. Ross started to look nervous after awhile since I never said anything. But the next thing i knew, our lips where connected. He kissed me, and I kissed him back. There where sparks, it felt like electricity. My heart was beating so fast, it felt like it was going to explode. The kiss was gentle and slow. Ross's lips where so soft and warm. It just felt right. But, I don't want my heart to be broken again, while he is still with Lauren. I seen him with her, they way they look at each other, and hold each other. Ross obviously loves Lauren too. I don't want him to have to choose between me and her. I know he will pick Lauren, she is prettier than me, and Ross has known her longer than me. Lauren is everything i'm not. I can't afford to be heart broken now.

I pulled away from the kiss, but Ross pulled me back into it. My heart was beating faster now. He gave me a smaller, quicker kiss, and then pulled away. I began to open my mouth to speak. But nothing came out. I didn't know what to do or say. But I needed to have some type of reaction to let Ross know how I was feeling right now. Without thinking, I shook my head and ran out the door.

I didn't realize what I did, all I know is that I slammed the door to loud, and possibly woke everyone up. But I know one thing.

I am still in love with Ross Shor Lynch.


Vanessa's POV

I slowly awoken from a loud slamming noise. I assumed it was the door, which means someone left. I look at my surroundings. Where am I?? I know I am still at the lynch's, but whose room am I in.

I assumed it was a guest room, and decided to go back to sleep, I was too tired to try and figure out where I really am. As I turned to my right, I see a tall, blonde figure sleeping on the right side of the bed. I attempted to look over the figure to see who was sleeping there, but the figure shuffled in their sleep. Luckily who ever it was turned to their left so I could see their face.

It looks like, Ri -

Oh my gosh!

I'm sleeping with Riker.

Oh no!


There you are! Chapter 11 part 3! Next chapter will be chapter 12!

I know it's been like what? A year since I updated the last chapter of this book? I'm so sorry guys. I'm on spring break right now so I will have more time to right the chapters. I have a lot planned for the upcoming chapters so please keep reading!

Please comment on this chapter, I feel like no one is really reading this story. Please comment to let me know you have been reading so I don't feel like I have no viewers. And please vote on it too!

One more thing, please read my other raura story "Is this True Love" I have a lot planned for that story too but I don't have many viewers on it, trust me I think it will pretty good. But that's my opinion, It's up to you guys to tell me how it is!

So comment what you think is going to happen next!

Thank you to all my readers and followers I love you guys!

Comment, Vote, and follow!

- Rauralover12

P.S it has been confirmed, this book will be having a sequel!! :D

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