Chapter 8

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Laura's POV

come on come on come on tell me the information! What do u wanna tell me!

" Uhm, Laura, why are you following me??" Ellen  said with confusion.

"oh sorry, uhm, didn't you here me, asking you..... something?"

"Oh, no i didn't sweety, what where you trying to tell me?"

Ok, here we go.

"What was the suprise you were going to tell me?"

"Laura, it's only been 3 days"

" i know, but i really need to know"

Vanessa suddenly came walking in, and directed me to sit down.

I nervously sat down on the couch, i'm exited about the news and also curios.

" Well, there is this place, um,  that we're moving to,"

" Where........" I asked really unsure of why i just said tha.

"................ We are moving to....... -"


Ross's POV

I'm laying on my bed, thinking about Lauren, ahhhh Lauren Lauren Lauren Lauren Lauren Lauren Lauren...

My phone started buzzing


I answered the phone,

> Convo <

Ross: Hello

*****: Hey Ross what's up!

Ross: LAUREN i knew you would call! How are you?

Laura: Uhm, Ross..... It's me, LAURA

Ross:  What! Oh sorry Laura, I have to go,

Laura: What No Ross wait I need to tell you some -

~ Ross Hangs Up ~

I feel kind of bad for hanging up on Laura. But, I can't be talking to Laura when I'm waiting for Lauren to call.

...... You know what's stupid, I could just call her. Duh, hahahhahahah i'm so stupid.

I dial Lauren's number, She doesn't  answer.

I dial the number again. Lauren AGAIN doesn't answer. Oh well, I will wait.

I go downstairs to see everyone bored and hot.

" Guys come on it's not summer, and we are on tour. Come on let's go have FUN!"

No one moves, they turn the heads and attention back at the T.V

Ugh, they're impossible.

I walk back to my little room, well, not really "room" but my bed or whatever, and look around, finding something to do, we are almost at our hotel so... just about 10minutes until i can get out of this boring tour bus.

I see pictures of me and..... Laur - Lauren together. Wow, I never knew we acually hung out all the time, cool :)

Then I see a picture of the cast of Austin and Ally

Me, Raini, Calum, and Lauren.

Wow I never knew me and Lauren where on a tv show together. Amazing.

Kevin's POV

I ring Laura's doorbell. Mrs. Marano came to the door.

" Oh, hello Kevin, how are you."

" I'm good, can i see Laura please?"

" Yes, she is in her room"

"Thank you"

Ms.Marano let me in.

I walked into the house, and into Laura's room.

" Hey Laura what's up?"

" Hey Kevin, Um, you didn't knock on my door at all."

" Uh, yah sorry about that."

"It's ok, soo what's up?"

" Nothing, ..... so uhm, you look very tired."

" I do?"

" Yah, just lay down, relax, i'll get you a cup of water"

Laura's POV

I waited until Kevin got back with my water. I don't feel tired, um, ok this is weird.

Kevin comes back with water closes the door, and it looks like he locked the door...

" Here you go." he hands me the cup of water.

" Thanks"

The water has some type of scent to it, and it tasted weird, not like water at all.

"Uhm what type of drink is th -"

Kevin pushed the cup back into my mouth forcing me to drink all of the "water".

" What, what where u saying?" He sneakily asked.

" Um, is this even water????"

" Yes, of course!"

i instantly feel hipper, and active, I feel like doing ALOT right now and i mean ALOT

" Hey Kevin...... hehehe... what's up. Nice clothes today, are they new???"

I keep giggling, what's wrong with me????

Kevin's POV

Exactly where i wanted her.

" Um, these clothes are old, i'm pretty sure it will rip off soon" I reply

" Well, let's start now." She winks at me.

Laura moves closer to me, she takes her index finger and middle finger and uses them and legs and starts walking them on my body, her biting her lip, with a smile. Laura takes her hand and puts on the rim of my shirt collar, then slowly puts her hand inside my shirt.

Man she is sooo sexy

" Babe, let's take this faster." I said

Laura nodded and put her hand on a spot. I started ripping off her clothes and she ripped off mine. I finally got what i wanted for YEARS.

End of POV

Guess what...........................................


Ross and Lauren where doing the exact same thing.


The end, yep that's chapter 8, things are gonna be picked up in chapters 9- 11 then everything will slowly get better, then BAM everything is intense, crazy, and sad.

Well get ready. And who is ready for Girl Meets World, the sequel to Boy Meets World. I CAN'T WAITTT and i already watched it on WatchDisneyChannel  so yah...

anyways have fun guys luv u :D

~ rauralover12

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