Chapter 17

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Sorry it has been awhile. No excuses. Just letting you know now i have no idea when chapter 18 is going to be up. But this book might end soon. I'm sorry. Listen to the song while reading this chapter.


Ross's POV 

"Why am I at the mall anyway?" I thought. 

I needed to be by myself. I messed up so bad, and I don't think I will ever get Laura back. But I have to try. But why am I at the mall to think about this?

I walk pass a jewelry store on my left as I decided to leave.

"Perfect." I said a little too loud, hopefully no recognizes me here.

Why am I here? 

I walk into the store to see if I can get anything for Laura. Necklaces on the left, rings on the right, earrings in the middle, and many more. I don't what to choose, what exactly would she like here?

"This is the exact store that cute guy gave that famous girl a necklace for FREE!" A teenage looking girl whispers to her friend. 

"Really? Where is the guy? Is he working here right now?" The girls friend asked.

" I think he is on break. I don't know his name though. Something like Josh, or Jacob. But we have to wait here for him." The girl replies.

Maybe if I wait here, I can get a free ring for Laura.

What am I thinking? This is stupid, I have to come up with something way better.

I walk out of the store, examining everything I pass by. Hoping to see something that will help me win Laura back.

I know I have the song, but it can't be just a song. I need something more. Like -

"Hahaha stop it!" I hear from a distance.

Why does that laugh sound so familiar? 

I turn my head to the right to see the food court. I could have heard anyone in there, I could 8 voices at one time. So why did that laugh stick out.

Without thinking, my eyes shift towards to people. A guy with a uniform on, his name tag says Josh.


That must be the guy that works at the jewelry store, which means the girl he is with might be the girl he gave a free necklace to. Maybe.

I look at the girl sitting across from Josh. She is beautiful.. wait a minute.

Are my eyes deceiving me? Or is that..


They are dating??!

Now I will never get her back. 

I can't give up, maybe they are just friends. I have to talk to her. But not now.


I pick up my phone and stare at the time. She was suppose to be here 10 minutes ago!

Why would I think she was coming, she hates me.

"Ross" someone says

She came.

My heart starts pounding. At this point, anyone can hear it. My hands are sweating, and my breathing picks up speed.

Stop it, Ross!

"Hey." I say coldly. Why did I do that.

" Why did you want to see me?" Laura ask

Here goes nothing. I take deep breathe, preparing for any possibility.

"I know I messed up, badly. I don't think you will ever come back to me. But, i'm not going to stop trying, even when I think I should. Even when the world tells me I should. I needed you here because I need to see you and hear your voice one more time. Before I loose you, even though I can't imagine you not being here, in my life."

I take 2 steps closer to her. I will know how she truly feels about me this way. If she lets me continue this, if she lets me kiss her then I will know I still have a chance. If she doesn't, then there is no hope.

"If we were together, I would treat you so much better then I have been. But if you don't want us, if you don't want me, Tell me now. But I have to tell you that," I take 5 steps closer to her, our bodies almost pressed together, and take her hands.

" I love you Laura, I always have, and I will never stop. I mean it." I whisper.

This is it, this is a win or loose situation.

I start to lean in, closer and closer. My heart is pounding faster then before. Wondering what is about to happen. 

I am 4 inches away from her lips. She hasn't stopped me or moved at all. I think i will have a chance.

2 inches.

1 inch

" Ross stop." I hear Laura say. I open my eyes to see her hand covering her lips.

Spoke to soon.

My heart falls out of my chest, and breaks into pieces on the ground.

I'm loosing her.

" I - I have a boyfriend." Laura stutters.

I knew it.

Silence fills the air as we stare at each other. I don't know what to do. I want to leave, knowing it is over. But at the same time, I want to stay with her anyway.

I break the silence by leaning in and kissing her anyway. Laura puts her hands on my chest, trying to get me off. But she gives up 3 seconds later and kisses me back. I wrap my hands around her waist as I kiss her passionately. 

Maybe I do still have a chance.

All I can feel are fireworks. I know Laura has to feel this, why is she still with Josh if she knows that we are meant to be together.

It has been 2 minutes, and her hands are still on my chest, my hands are still wrapped around her waist. We are still kissing, and our bodies are pressed together.

Doesn't she have a boyfriend? 

Who cares, she is probably going to break up with him after this.

I pull away and stare into her eyes. I don't know what this means, but i have hope.

I let go of her and walk away. I forgot we were outside.

Soon we will be together. I just know it.


Ok so i am on right now because it is snowing, and me and my friend decided to make a book together. We made a shared account and are working on it right now. Does that mean I will be updating more often? No.

Will I be updating within the next 3 months? Yes. I will probably end this series at chapter 20. I am sorry, but it is best if I end this story soon instead of continuing it for awhile and barely updating. I am very sorry guys. 

Go follow me and my friends shared account to see our new book coming out soon: @2ofthepotatoes

~ rauralover12

When we're together: A raura/R5 storyWhere stories live. Discover now