Chapter 11 (part 2)

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Laura's POV

I still can't believe Ross is blaming me for what happened with me and Kevin. He is such a jerk, i never want to speak to him again! W -

"Laura! You there?" Asked Vanessa

" Uh, yah sorry I was just.... um..... just..... thinking."

" Haha ok, well Rydel wants us to come over later today...."

"Oh" Is all i manage to say.

" You don't have to come if you don't want to." Vanessa said.

Yah, I'd rather not go.

" Im going to stay here." I say

"Well ok, im going to get ready."


I went over to my Piano and starred at the keys. Then I grabbed my song book and started writing things down.
(A/N: I'm making these lyrics up don't be suprised if it's bad)

I thought you loved me

I thought you really cared

but now i know i was wrong


I thought we had something special

something you would never want to break

  But the message seems clear to me now
       I guess you want me out of your life
  you hit me, you burn me, and you broken my heart forever... ooooh

     Im looking at the stars and they perfectly fine, going on with there life.
    But im right here, writing a song about you.....
I must be crazy with the way i'm thinking right now. All my friends 'been trying to get me some help.

But all i really want is you.......

No, thats not that good.

I lightly scribble the lyrics away with my pencil and flip to a new page.
This time, I write down some key words to help me.





Ross's POV

Everyone is here but Laura. I guess I really messed things up with her. But then again, she is the one over rea-

I get interrupted by my thoughts with a knock on the door.

everyone froze and starred at the door. We all slowly smiled, hoping it was Laura.

Rydel got up first and ran to the door. Soon, everyone followed behind her.

Rydel opened the door, prepared, but all at once, everyone's smile drops. The person at the door was

The police.

haha just kidding

It was Lauren.


"Hey guys....." Lauren says, sadly.

Why is she sad?

"Hey Lauren what's wrong?" Rydel asked.

"So I went to the doctors, for a check up with the baby and everything. But uhm, the baby - the baby - " Lauren started, but started breaking down.

When we're together: A raura/R5 storyWhere stories live. Discover now