Chapter 11 (part 1)

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Part 1


Laura's POV

I woke up in a small, dark room. I still had a headache from that dumb pan Kevin hit me with. I try to get up but I satapped to a............. bed???

I look around trying to adjust to the darkness in the room. I see a mattress a few feet away from the bed I was on. There was a figure laying on the mattress.

I wonder who that is.

In between the bed and the mattress was a small desk. The desk had a framed picture with red writing.

Eh, whatever.

The figure on the mattress slowly moves around, then gets up, turns on the lights, and walks towards me.

Of course it's Kevin.

" Hey babe" Kevin says while smirking.

" I'm not your babe"

" Hey relax" Kevin says while sitting on the edge of the bed, " Stop being so.............. stupid......"

I roll my eyes. I then turned to my side back at the framed picture. It was a picture of...........


" W - Why do you have a picture of Ross????" I asked.

The picture of Ross had red writing on it saying;

" Revenge" and a knife pointing to his neck.

" Forget about him baby," Kevin answered, " He's nothing, he's not meant for you, I am "

" WHAT DID YOU DO TO ROSS??" I screamed.

" I'm sure you'll forget about him when I do this" Kevin said leaning to my neck and sucking it.

I couldn't help to moan, it felt so  good, but I didn't want it.

I struggled to get free but Kevin was to strong. He pushed me down on my shoulders, and sucked harder.

Just great

   { Authors note: Warning, a sorta sex scene is now, skip to Ross's POV right now if you don't want to read this part. }

Kevin stops sucking my neck and goes down to my breast. He starts to squeeze and suck both of them.

Then he unzips my jeans and starts to touch my part. I wanted to puke.

Kevin unzips his jeans and pulls off his boxers.  He sticks his penis in my face.

" Suck it " Kevin demands

I keep my mouth closed, and turned my head away.

" I SAID SUCK IT " Kevin yells.

He takes my face and forces it to face his penis. He separates my mouth and teeth and sticks his penis in my mouth.


Kevin then moves up and down slowly and moans.

This is going to be a long day. :(





Ross's POV

I sit on my couch watching TV with Riker and Rocky. Rydel is out with Raini, mom and dad are at a restaurant together, and Ratliff is out with his parents.

When we're together: A raura/R5 storyWhere stories live. Discover now