Chapter 13

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Laura's POV

So apperently Vanessa was at the Lynch's house all night so everything is ok.
I would go over, but you know, the whole Ross thing. I need to go out and clear my mind.

I take a shower and brush my teeth. I go to my room and change clothes and do my makeup. I decide to go to the mall so I grab my purse and keys and get into the car and drive to the mall.

Once I get there I text Vanessa that I came to the mall. I walk around and go to stores and shop. You know, the usual. Then I walk into a jewelry store and find this beautiful necklace but with no price tag. I then walk up to the cashier. The cashier was a boy with brown hair and brown eyes. His smile is actually pretty cute and he is kinda tall.
" Excuse me, how much does this necklace cost?" I asked
" For a girl like you, it cost nothing." The cashier smiles and winks.
Is he flirting with me?
" Uhm, excuse me." I said
" Tell you what, the necklace is free, on one condition." The cashier replies.
" What's the condition?" I ask
" you give me your number, and we go out on a date." The cashier answers and smiles.
" deal." I said.
" good choice." The cashier replied.

I grabbed a piece of paper and wrote my number on it.
" one question." I said
" spill" the cashier said
" what's your name?" I asked
" Im Josh." The cashier answered
" Laura" I said while putting my hand out.
" well Laura, I'll text you when I'm off shift, which is at 6pm" Josh said and shook my hand.
" Talk to you later then." I said while smiling.

I took my necklace and waved bye to Josh. I know I just had this blow over with Ross and the whole kiss thing, and I really do love Ross. But I don't want to be heartbroken again. Ross can and will stay with Lauren, soroom. going on this date wit Josh. Besides, he is pretty chill and cute.

I can't wait for 6pm.

Ross's POV

I'm sitting on the couch watching TV, but really all I can think about is Laura, I told her how I felt about her, and I kissed her. But she ran out, and we haven't spoken since then. So today, I'm going to break up with Lauren and go talk to Laura. Hopefully by tonight, I will be able to say that Laura is my girlfriend. Oh today is going to be the best day ever.

The doorbell rang. Rocky opened the door and I saw Lauren standing there. Oh, did I mention I texted her and told her to come over.

I took her to my room and closed the door.
" Listen Lauren, we need to talk. I don't think we should be together anymore. This just isn't working out right. " I said
" What!! This is about that Laura girl, isn't it!?" Lauren question and jumped out of the bed.

"No... Not really... Kinda.... Maybe." I stuttered.
" Fine then. But this isn't the last of me your gonna see." Lauren said and stormed out of the room.

Well that went quicker than I thought it would go.
A few minutes later I walked downstairs and sat back down on the couch. Thinking about what I'm going to say to Laura when I talk to her.

" Hey Ross you just broke up with Lauren, right? " Rydel asked
" Yah why?" I answered.
" Are you planning to ask Laura out?" Rydel asked.
" Yep. Why???" I answered and asked again.

Rydel handed me her phone and I see a text message from Laura saying,

Laura: I just met this guy named Josh at the jewelry store at the mall, and now I'm going on a date with him soon!! :D

I slowly gave Rydel her phone back and she sat down next to me.
" You Ok?" Rydel asked
" Yah, I'm fine." I answered

But I'm not fine

And now my plan is ruined

I lost Laura, again.


Well that was the chapter.
Poor Ross.

So tell me what you think!!
Comment, vote, and follow me please.

Oh by the way please read my new book
' Fell To The Future' its not a fan fiction, and I entered it into the Wattys 2015

Also I'm wondering if I should enter this book into the Wattys as well. Tell me what you think about that

Thanks for reading :)

~ rauralover12

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