Chapter 14

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Sorry it's been forever since I updated, I haven't been on wattpad in awhile and I've been kind of busy. I feel really bad i said I will update a lot back in the summer and I never did. I'll try the best I can to update when I can *warning this book is coming to an end soon, so chapters MIGHT be longer* but not this one.

Laura's POV

" and then he slipped into the pool!" Josh finishes his story.

I'm on my date with Josh, the guy from the jewelry store. We're at a very fancy restaurant with AMAZING food. 

"Seriously!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHA" I laugh.

"Yah, haha it was hilarious." Josh chuckles

"Wow, you have the most amazing stories. Your life must be awesome." I say.

"Stick with me and you can experience it too." Josh says and winks at me.

" Maybe I will. It would be nice to not have to wish and hope for something all the time, and instead just have crazy things happen." I confess.

"True, but it's not really like that. I still do. ... I've always wanted to write a song and see people listening to it all the time and coming to my concerts and sing it with me." Josh replies

"Well, stick with me and maybe that will happen." I say and wink to imitate him.

"haha, maybe."

Wait a minute, that can actually happen!!


"Laur, lower your voice please" Josh commands

"Oh, right, sorry. I was saying it could really happen. We can write a song together and sing a duet and I can put in on my next album!!" I say 

"Really!! That would be amazing! Thank you Laura" He says with a very sweet smile

"Ooh it's nothing." I reply

Josh starts to make a move by leaning in to kiss me. I start slowly leaning in to. Our lips are inches apart when Josh stops.

"Lets save this for when I drop you off at home." Josh whispers

"Haha .. ok" I mumble

Josh pays the bill, leaves a tip on the table and we walk out of the restaurant. As I walk out into the night, there are lights all down the road making the sight beautiful, but they weren't lights from the other stores and restaurants down the street, it was all the millions of stars in the sky. In front of it all, a dark black limo.

"woah." I gasps

" Yah, i know." Josh says as he locks our hands together.

"But what about your car?" I ask

"Oh, my friends came and drove it back to my place." Josh answers

We walk to the limo, and Josh opens the door for me. Lets me in, and climbs in after me.

" Thank you." I say. Gosh Josh is literally the best.


The limo reaches my house. Josh opens the door and gets out first, then turns around to take my hand and help me out.

"Your such a gentlemen." I compliment Josh as I get out the car.

"Thank you, I try." Josh says with his very sweet smile.

Once we reach my front door, Josh takes both of my hands and looks into my eyes.

"This was a amazing night, thank you Laura." Josh says

"No, thank you for taking me on this date." I say

Josh slowly leans in, I start to lean in to. I've only moved my head 6 centimeters by the time our lips touch. 'He must really wanted that kiss' I think. 

Josh lets go of my hands, he takes his right hand and puts it on my left cheek. He takes his left hand puts it on my thigh. I flinch for a second, remembering what Kevin did to me. I don't want any of it again. But I trust Josh, so I'll just see what happens.

His left hands starts sliding up my thigh, onto my butt, then to my waist. He pulls me closer and slides his hand back to my butt. We keep kiss for 3 more minutes. Pretty much a make out session. He starts squeezing my butt and that's when I stop kissing him. I move my head away.

"I think I should go now, thank you for tonight." I say quickly.

" We don't have to end the night, I could go to your room, or you can come back to my house." Josh pleads and winks.

"Maybe another time." I say 

He squeezes my butt one more time and then says "I hope that's a promise. Goodnight Laur." He squeezes my boobs and licks them afterwards, then he walks away.

Wow, ok then.... maybe I shouldn't see him again.

I walk into my house and go to my room. I turn on my phone and see a text from Ross.

Ross?? Oh no.


Well that's it. Next chapter will be all Ross's POV and the chapter after that will be all Josh's POV. Hope you liked it. I apologize again for the long wait.

Now going to watch the Super Bowl!!! See ya!

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- rauralover12

When we're together: A raura/R5 storyWhere stories live. Discover now