Chapter 3!!!!!!!!

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 Rydel's POV

"um... it's.... that um..."

"Just tell me, please" Laura said with an angry voice, and kind of annoyed.


Laura was speechless. She then slowly started to grin. Then smile. Laura started jumping up and down screaming with exitement. I was so confused. Well, she does love love, so thats probably why.

I had to ask though. "Laura, why are you soo happy" Laura stopped jumping and stared at me. She gave me the are you serious you dont know look. I just shrugged. Laura looked around to make sure no one is watching. "Vanessa likes Riker" 

My jaw dropped. ROMANCE!!!!!! If only it was like that with Ross and Laura. They would make such a cute couple. Man, ok thats it Ross and Laura are going to be raura. Some way or another.

I guess i was thinking a little to long cause Laura was waving her hand in my face. Woops.

"RYDEL EARTH TO RYDEL" Laura yelled. "Sorry i was in deep thoughts i guess." "Yah, about rinessa. Haha, we are soo going to get them to go out." "Oh yah deffinetely" "I wish someone liked me in that way......" Laura drifted into thought of what she just said. But Laura, you already do! Ugh! This is soo hard to not tell Laura. Just great...


Ross's POV

 Oh man, oh man, oh man!!!!!!!!! Rydel was going to tell Laura!!!!!!!!!11 NO  i can't believe her!! Rydel promised she wouldn't tell!!!! Great!!!!!!!!!! Now Laura is coming down what do i do!?!?!? OH RIGHT acting... duh... pfft i knew that the whole time just uh testing you, i mean myself, i mean uh.. oh nvm.


 Laura and Rydel came back downstairs laughing, Vanessa was talking with Riker, Ratliff and Rocky where playing a video game, and Ross was writing something  on a peice of paper. Laura and Vanessa where just about to leave when Ross pulled Laura to the side so no one can see them.

Ross's POV

I pulled Laura to the side of my house for a moment, "Are you leaving??" "Yes, why??" " Um, you where about to leave and you never said bye to me!" I looked at her with a disbelief look, "Oh, ohh oh my gosh Ross ok, i'm sorry" " That's not enough" i said with a serious face, " Ok, bye Ross" Laura giggled, that laugh just kills me. Really i just pulled her over here to make sure Rydel didn't tell her anything, " so.. what where you and Rydel talking about..." " Um, oh nothing......" Laura was smiling... she was smiling that smile that shows she is hiding something, " Laura, please just tell me." " Fine, Riker likes Vanessa!!" she squealed, " Oh, I already knew that." FEW that was close, " Why do you want to know what me and Rydel where talking about anyway??" "Oh no reason just because you and Rydel where laughing when you guys came down." "Oh well it's bec-" Then Vanessa interupted, " Come on Laura, we have to go!" "I'll talk to you later" Laura said and walked out the door. Right when i got the chance i ran to Rydel.

"Rydel!!!!!!!!!!!!" "sorry, hey i didnt tell her though!" " Good, but still you where about to!!!" "Ross, i'm soooo sorry, please forgive me!!" Rydel begged, i couldn't stay mad at her, "fine, you're off the hook" We both laugh and walk to the living room.

Then Rocky asked me a question, " Hey, Ross is this a new song you're making?? You Are The Music in Me" 

Oh man....


well that was the chapter!!! 

hey are u confused about the song?? 

I'm sure u are. Well, r5 wasn't supposed to know that he wrote that song, and not for the band either, it's about someone 

you will find out the rest in a later chapter

you will be soo shocked....

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