Chapter 15

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I hope you guys read my authors note before reading this chapter.


Ross's POV

This will either end up bad, or work out perfectly. Just say what you need to say and see what happens.

I stare at the moving cars and buildings filled with people walking in and out as I review what I want to say to Laura. Even though she might not come, it's better to try then not try at all.


Then I see her. The most beautiful girl I have ever seen in my entire life. Her long gorgeous flowing hair and her pretty glowing face with a smile that lights up the world and - 

Cut it out Ross!!

"Hey." Laura awkwardly  says.

"Hey Laura, listen, I feel really bad about everything I've done, and you know how I feel, but I - "

"Ross, it's ok. You don't have to apologize or explain your feelings or anything. Look, i'm moving on now. So you and Lauren can be together and you won't have to worry about me anymore."

"But I -" 

" Stop, it's ok"

"Why can't you just let me say what I need to say!"

" You don't need to say anything, and stop getting frustrated over something so little that - "



" Ok you know what if your going to do this again i'm out!"

"Wait, Laura I didn't mean to -"

"Just save it." Laura says coldly and walks away.

What is wrong with me? How will I ever get her back?  

I walk back home, which took about 10 minutes, and tell my sister everything that happened.

"I'm sorry Ross, hey it's your fault you yelled." Rydel states

Now my plan to get her back is really going to happen.


Sorry it was so short my computer's battery was about to die and I had to go and write the Author's Note. My chapters aren't going to be longer but they are not going to be shorter either. I still have tons of plans for this story so I will update as much as I can. I'll try, but I'm not promising anything.

Thank you guys so much for reading this story though

~ rauralover12

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