Chapter 2

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chapter 2

Laura's POV

I was in my room, playing the piano, trying to come up with a song. I've been thinking for 20 minute already. I decided to go and rest for a little and clear my mind. I sat on my bed when my phone buzzed. It was a text from Rydel.

< text convo>

Delly: Hey Laur!

Laura: Hey Delly :)

Delly: wanna come over 2morrow? I need to tell you something.

Laura: Sure! can you tell me now tho??

Delly: No u hav 2 wait till 2morrow

Laura: Why??

Delly: bc u hav 2!!

Laura: Rydelllllllllll

Delly: u know that only works on ross!! Right??

                  I smile at that message, just seeing the name Ross made me happy. Why??

Laura: I know. Well okay see u tomorrow

Delly: OK bye laur :)

Laura: Bye Delly :)

>end of text convo<

I sigh to myself, what is it Rydel want to tell me! What is soo important she had to tell me in person? I'm not complaining, it's just usually she tells me over the phone at times like this, I'm eager to find out.

I took a nice quick shower, and changed to my pjs and went to bed.

Rydel's POV

I couldn't wait to tell Laura the secret! I wonder how she going to react! Wait, now that i think about it, this is kind of wrong. I mean i told **** that i would not tell Laura, but here i am about to tell her tomorrow. No, i'm not doing it. I can't do this to ****. If i'm not tell Laura, then what is the so important "secret" i'm going to tell her. I hope i figure out something.


                                                                         NEXT MORNING

Vanessa's POV

I'm in the living room watching me and my moms FAVORITE show. To be honest, it's like reality. Like something is going on right now that is exactly like the episodes. I just don't know exactly who.

I walk into the kitchen getting water when i hear footsteps coming down the stairs. Obviously, it's Laura. I hear her and my mom talking about something. Something.. oh wait its just Laura asking to go to the Lynches house today. HOLD UP.... did she say the Lynches.... that means she will be seeing Riker. YESSSS i'm sooo going with her. I mean uh... to see Rydel of course! Not to see Riker. I mean, crazy right! heh heh heh...........

Laura's POV

My mom said yes to going to the Lynches house. Well duh! Rydel has to tell me some HUGE secret that will suprise me. Which is making me eager to finde out! 

I'm in the middle of my thoughts when Vanessa runs into the living room. "IM COMING WITH YOU TO THE LYNCHES!!!"  Vanessa says. I'm shocked, suprised, and confused at her actions.She was never like this when i was going to the Lynches house..... hm, so many wonders theese days.

"sure" i reply. Vanessa jumps with exitment mouthing yay i get to see Riker!! Intresting....

Oh! omg Nessa likes Riker! "ooooooooo" I accidently say out loud. Vanessa and my mom stare at me. I turn around slowely looking at the TV.


                                                                                     AT THE LYNCHES' HOUSE

Rydel's POV

I still have NO clue what to tell Laura. I'm sitting in the living room waiting for Laura to come. At the same time, i don't want her to come just yet, i want her to be late, so then i have time to think about what i'm gonna tell her. I hate lying, i hate lying to Laura. But it's ****'s secret so, i have to. 

All of a sudden, i hear a ring, a doorbell, OH SHOOT LAURA IS HERE!!! I think. I may have said it out loud cause i get 5 people looking at me. I end up looking at Ross and he stares at me like he is reading my mind, like he knows what i'm right now afraid of. Crap. He knows. Woops. Riker walks to the door and answers. I see Laura and... Vanessa. Oh cool Vanessa is here :) we just need Rani and it will be so FUN. Ok, snap out of it i have to think.

Laura comes in coming over to me. "hi Rydel :)" "hi Laura". "Sup Laura!" Ross randomly. But before anyone could say anything, Ross is already walking upstairs. Whatever.

Me and Laura walk upstairs into my room. 

"so... what was the secret i really want to know!" Laura says.

"uh....... um" i dont know what to say. Then i end up muttering another secret,

" Um......... its----"


So, what do you think. What is the secret or secrets Laura will find out. Sorry if the ending was bad i was rushing i had to go to bed for school tomorrow. 

Well, Comment, Rate, and VOTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks for reading!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

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