Chapter 7

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Kevin"s POV (new POV!!!!!)

Today i'm going back to Laura's house. I need to get back what I need, want, deserve. I need Laura. I really like Laura, not love, but like. I didn't mean to hurt her yesterday or make her feel uncomfortable, i was just drunk. But that kiss yesterday was amazing. I'm going to get that kiss again, just the way it was yesterday, but Laura will be on board with it, and there will be a little  more added to the kiss. Maybe i will get it today.............


I pulled my car up at Laura's house. I knocked on the door. Her sister Vanessa answered the door.

"Kevin??? What are you doing here??" Vanessa asked.

"I'm here to see Laura." I casually say.

Vanessa opens the door for me so i can walk in,, she tells me that Laura is in her room. I quickyl get up the stairway and knock on Laura's door. 

"Come in!"  Laura said

I  slowly walk in, I see Laura on her bed watching a movie. Just where i want her......

"Kevin!! What do you want!?!?!?!??! Get away from me!!!!!" She cried

"Shhhhhhh" I said, "I'm here to apoligise, about yesterday..."

Laura slowly backed up.

" I was just sort of..... drunk......" I slowly say, " I didn't mean to hurt you Laura" I say sencirely

Laura looks at me, like she is trying to study me, to see if i acually mean it.

"Fine," Laura replies, " I forgive you"


"Thank you!" I said as i walked over to her and gave her a hug. Laura didn't hug back, she just took her hand and patted my back and then quickly got off of me.

"So..... what movie are we watching???" I asked,

"We??? Dude, you aren't staying here, ok, yes, i forgive you, but doesn't mean im just going to invite you over all the time, or let you stay at my house for hours."


But, i had an idea, a plan. I will be able to stay here all night by my plan, and get exactly what i want from her......

I broke the silence by giving her a hint.

" Well, i acually do want something from you..." I said

" And what is that.....????" She asked

I licked my lips to give her a hint. I didn't say anything more.

But then i blurt something out i didn't mean to say..

" Will you go out with me???" I asked, unsure of what's going to happen next.

Laura's POV

Did he just ask me out?????? Seriously????? I don't really know what to say, I mean, i do know him pretty well, i known him for years, but i don't know if i should say yes....

" On 1 condision"

" And what is that...?." He asked

" You stop drinking."

".............. Fine" 


Ross's POV

"Lauren! It's been forever since I saw you! How are you?" 

" I'm good. I missed you so much! I've been thinking about you every year. How are you?"

When we're together: A raura/R5 storyWhere stories live. Discover now