Chapter 12

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Laura's POV

I wake up to a beautiful morning, with birds chirping, the sun is shining, warm  weather.

But I'm not happy. I smile anyways, because I need to feel a little happiness anyways. I remember last night, with Ross. We kissed, and it was good. Haha, I sound like Ally Dawson. It will be awhile untill we will be filming anything again on Austin And Ally, but it's ok, I need a little break. 

But I ran out, I don't even know why. He must feel so bad right now, I feel bad. I feel bad for letting him kiss me, and not stopping it, and then running away afterwards. But the was really good, I don't regret not stopping it. I don't think Ross and Lauren are right for eachother, but they seem to be really in love. So I have to support that.

I can't look at Ross right now though, I need time to think. I need to get my facts straight, so when we do talk I know what I'm going to say to him. I walk downstairs, expecting to see Vanessa up cooking breakfast. I make my way into the kitchen where I see,

apsolutley nothing.

Where is Vanessa? Maybe she is still asleep. I jog back up the stairs and knock on Nessa's door. No responce. I knock one more time. Still no answer. I guess she is asleep, so I slowly open the door to a small crack so I can only see her bed. 

No one is there.

I start to panick, I run to my room and grab my phone off my small night stand. I check to see if I got any messages or calls from Vanessa. There were none.

I try calling her. No answer. I call again. No answer. 

Alright I need to stay calm, the last thing I can do is go to the Lynch's house and see if she is there. If she is not, I have to resort to a more serious level.

I'll have to call the police.

Riker's POV

I wake up at 8am but kept my eyes closed, not remembering anything that happened last night, well, I forgot everything that happened after 10pm, which is when I left up to my room for something.....

I feel a little warmer than usual, and I am closer to the end of my bed, why am I not in the middle? I finally decide to open my eyes, and what I saw suprised me.

I see Vanessa laying down right next to me, with her eyes opened, staring at the ceiling. 

Woah, I slept with Vanessa!!!??? I check to make sure I'm not naked. I'm not, thank goodness. But what exactly happened last night....

" Morning Vanessa..." I managed to say. She slowly turns to me, with a horrified look on her face,

" What happened last night, why am I in your bed with you?" Vanessa speaks. She looks so cute when she is scared. Snap out of it Riker.

" I - I don't know.. I wish I did." I peeped. As I realize why she looked so nervous, I start to get worried to. I hope nothing sexual happened between us because that would not be good. At all.

" Ugh! Laura might be freaking out!" Vanessa says as she reaches to the floor for her phone. Vanessa turns on her phone to the lock screen where she sees,

2 missed calls. ; Sis; Laura 

" And I was right!"  Vanessa says. She gets out of the bed and walks to the corner of the room to call Laura back. I get out of the bed and throw a t - shirt on and a pair of green shorts.

To be honest, no matter what happened between me and Nessa last night, I'm glad we somehow spent the night together, just me and her. I have a little crush on her, it's not that big of a deal. I guess. But right now I guess my feelings got a little stronger.

I can't get my hopes up though, she doesn't have any feelings for me. I know it. So it doesn't matter, I'll get over her soon. Probably.

By now Vanessa got changed, and left to her house. If only we could have stayed in bed together and just talk.

That's all I need right now.


Sorry it's a short chapter  I had to end it like that for a reason.
I'm out of school now so I can update a lot (sorta)
Well have a great summer guys :)

Please read my other books

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- rauralover12

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