Chapter 16

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Josh's POV

I know what I did to Laura after our first date was wrong, I don't know what got into me. She just looked so pretty standing there and then my hand started going all over her, like it had a mind of it's own. But it felt so right, I wanted her so bad that I squeezed her one more time but I should have never done that. I should apologize. 

I pick up my phone and call Laura.

No answer.

I tried again.

No answer.

Dang it she probably hates me now.

I decided to wait until tomorrow to call her. Until then, I'm going to have to plan a huge gesture to show her how sorry I am.

I put my phone in my pocket, grab my car keys, and drive to the flower shop about 20 minutes away from my house.

" Hello, welcome to Flourishing Flowers. Anything specific you're looking for?" One of the shop workers welcome me once I walk in.

"Do you have any yellow roses and yellow chrysanthemums?" I ask

"Yes we do actually." The lady says as she walks swiftly to the flowers in order by color and name.

I pay for them and head to the store.


2 hours later I have everything I need for the gesture. Flowers, candles, music, jewelry, food, and a very special surprise. I haven't set up anything yet, I won't do that until tomorrow.

Then all of a sudden, I hear the doorbell.

"I got it!" I yell to any one of my family members.

I open the door, but before I saw who it was I was grabbed by the hand and dragged to my room.

The door was closed and locked. The lights got turned off, but I saw who it was. My heart started beating out of my chest, joy and nervousness filled inside me.

It was Laura.

She pushed me on the bed and started kissing me, I really enjoyed it, until I almost started doing what I knew I shouldn't do. So I stopped kissing her and pulled away.

"What's wrong? Don't you want me." Laura eagerly said.

She looked really sad and hurt, something is wrong.

"Laura, I do want you, so bad. But I know we only just started dating, it's way to early. What I did to you after our date was wrong and I'm really sorry. Just give me a chance to prove it." I replied.

Laura got off me, slowly smiling.

"Thank you, Josh, and you don't have to prove it. I forgive you." Laura said.

" I can tell you did that out of vulnerability, what's wrong?" I ask

" It's... nothing. I'll be fine. Trust me." Laura replies

" You sure?"


After that, we talked and watched a movie. It was great, I'm so happy I got her back.

But I know, I can tell, Ross did something to her, I can feel it. I know about her past with Ross. It must be about him. Ross is cool, but I'm not letting Laura go until Ross gets his act together and treats Laura right, because she deserves it.

But then again, I might not ever let Laura go.


OKkkk that was that chapter. I don't really know what to say. So uh, have a great day and thank you again for reading my story.

~ rauralover12 

When we're together: A raura/R5 storyWhere stories live. Discover now