chapter 6 :O

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Ross's POV

We just finished packing the last few things for our tour. I can't believe i'm going to be leaving Laura, i had my chance to ask her out.... but now i have to wait for forever just to try to win the chance.

"Ross time to go!" Rydel yelled to me.

here we go........


Outside was Laura, Vanessa, Raini, Calum, and Ratliff's parents. We all said our goodbye's and gave our hugs. I finally got to Laura, this is where  i got emotionall. We stared at eachother for a second, then Laura finally gave in and hugged me, i hugged back, it was a pretty long hug. I finally let go cause i knew my family + 1 were waiting for me in the car. We waved goodbye as i got into the car, i closed the door and watched as the car drove away. We didn't say a word to eachother........

(A/N  This next part was in the authors note. If you read it you can skip over this part and finish reading)

Laura's POV 

I waved goodbye to the Lynches as they drove out the neighborhod. It was to sad for me so i got into the car and waited for Nessa.

Later she finally came to the car  from talking to Raini and Calum.

Nessa  drove us home. To be honest, I kinda miss Ross more than i ever did befor, even on days we took brakes after the end of filming seasons.

Later that day a knock is on my door. I waited for Vanessa to open the door and hear her expression through her voice, but i didn't hear anything.


Still no voice, no sqreaching sound of the door opening, no sound of the doorknob getting turned. Nothing.

I went down the stairs and to the front door. I slowly opened my tall, white, door to see......


"What are you doing here?" I asked

He just starred at me and walked inside. I didn't even let him in.

"Uh..... i didn't let you in........" I confusedly said.

Kevin turned around and starred at me, licked his lips and walked slowly to me. I slowly backed up everytime he got closer, but he would still get closer to me.

Eventually i got to far and i hit the wall. Kevin kept walking untill his body was against mine. Or should i say pushed against mine. I felt his warm, soft, breath blow on my face. I was just about to yell at him and push him off me, but his face instantly got closer to mine. He plunged his lips onto mine. I didn't kiss back. I tried to get him off me but he wouldn't budge. I tried my hardest, he would take his lips off mine for a couple seconds for us to get air but he kept kissing me. I gave in and kissed him back, i thought if i finally gave him what he wanted, he would get off me and i could ask him what he wanted and kick him out my house after that. Lol.

It's been about 50 seconds since i gave in and kissed Kevin. He still never got off my. Then Kevin started french kissing me, I'll say, he is a verry good kisser. But, i didn't like this at all. Kevin kept licking my lips to get his tounge in my mouth. I wouldn't budge. He started kissing me harder untill i gave in and opened my mouth. I tried not to open my mouth but he was hurting me, so i just opened my mouth. But i regret all of this.

This kiss turned into a make out session. It was a make out session i didn't want or enjoyed. But i went with it to get him off of me. I started feeling warm hands coming down to my waist. It was an uncomftorable feeling so i took them off of me. Then i felt Kevin's hands take my arm and put it around his neck. Like i said, i'm just going with this so he can get of me. But again i felt Kevin's hands on my waist, i felt his thumbs curve into me jeans and slowly pull them down. I quickly took my hands off of his neck and pulled his hands off of my waist, and pulled my jeans back up. Kevin took his hands and put it around my waist. He picked me up and slowly put me on my couch, he had some loose grip on me that i guess he didn't notice and i slipped out of his arms. 

"WHAT THE H**** DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!?!?!?!??!" I yelled.

He didn't answer.

"GET OUT NOW!" I harshley yelled.

i pushed him out my house and slammed the door. 

What just happened...........


Ross's POV

We where in our first state, Colorado. We where in our hotel rooms and i was verry bored since i finished packing and we are going sight seeing tomorrow. I decided to call Laura. But, she didn't answer, I then texted Laura. She didn't respond.

I tried to conntact her every possible way i could, 5 million times. Maybe i will call her tomorrow or tonight, i might have a better chance.

I have no clue what to do. I bored out of my mind! You know what, I'm going to walk around, maybe i don't know, go to the park or something. 

Later i was at the park, people where waving at me constantly. I wasn't paying attenion because i was thinking about Laura. I bumped into someone by accident.

"I'm so sorry" I apoligised

"It's fine" 

I looked up and saw an amazingly beautiful girl standing right infront of my eyes. Everything in my mind went blank. 

"H - H- Hi" I hesitated

"Hi, i'm Lauren"

oh my gosh..


That was the chapter! I hope it was long enough for you! I don't feel like it was that long but i did my best! I hope you enjoyed!

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